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public Matrix Transform { get; set; }
The transformation matrix for this Transformer.
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Drawing;
using Leadtools.WinForms;
public void CenterAtPoint(RasterImageViewer viewer)
// Minimum and maximum scale factors allowed (change if you have to)
const double minimumScaleFactor = 0.05;
const double maximumScaleFactor = 11;
// Normalize the scale factor based on min and max
scaleFactor = Math.Max(minimumScaleFactor, Math.Min(maximumScaleFactor, scaleFactor));
// Check if we need to change the scale factor for the viewer
if (viewer.ScaleFactor != scaleFactor)
// Get the current center in logical units
// We will use this point later to re-center the viewer
// Get what you see in physical coordinates
Rectangle rc = Rectangle.Intersect(viewer.PhysicalViewRectangle, viewer.ClientRectangle);
// Get the center of what you see in physical coordinates
PointF center = new PointF(rc.Left + rc.Width / 2, rc.Top + rc.Height / 2);
Transformer t = new Transformer(viewer.Transform);
// Get the center of what you see in logical coordinates
center = t.PointToLogical(center);
// Set the new scale factor
viewer.ScaleFactor = scaleFactor;
// Bring the original center into the view center
t = new Transformer(viewer.Transform);
// Get the center of what you saw before the zoom in physical coordinates
center = t.PointToPhysical(center);
// Bring the old center into the center of the view
//Code below is informational and only provides values for Transformer members
// and does not impact the image in this demo:
// Get the logical coordinates of the Rectangle
RectangleF recLogical = t.RectangleToLogical(rc);
// Get the physical coordinates of the Rectangle
RectangleF recPhysical = t.RectangleToPhysical(rc);
// Get the logical length
float xlengthLogical = t.LengthToLogical(center.X);
// Get the logical length
float xlengthPhysical = t.LengthToPhysical(center.X);
Console.WriteLine($"recLogical: {recLogical}\nrecPhysical{recPhysical}\nxlengthLogical :{xlengthLogical}\nxlengthPhysical:{xlengthPhysical}");
// Convert input logical points to physical points
// Define logical points
PointF[] points = new PointF[2];
points[0].X = 10.00F;
points[0].Y = 10.00F;
points[0].X = 20.00F;
points[0].Y = 20.00F;
// Convert to physical points
PointF[] physicalPoints = Transformer.TransformPoints(points, viewer.Transform);
for (int i = 0; i < physicalPoints.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Logical Points: {physicalPoints[i].X}, {physicalPoints[i].Y}");
Console.WriteLine($"Physical Points:{physicalPoints[i].X}, {physicalPoints[i].Y}");