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NetworkProperties Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by NetworkProperties.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public Method Reset Resets all network properties to their default values.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ActualIPAddress Retrieves the server's bound IP address.
Public Property Authentication Gets or sets the server's authentication mode.
Public Property DASHEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the DASH protocol.
Public Property HDSEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the HDS protocol.
Public Property HLSEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the HLS protocol.
Public Property IdleTimeOut Gets or sets the server's idle connection timeout.
Public Property IPAddress Gets or sets the server's IP address.
Public Property MediaFolder Gets or sets the path to the server's media folder.
Public Property OpenWindowsFirewall Gets or sets a value that tells the server whether to open the firewall automatically when the server is running (State is "Started").
Public Property Password Gets or sets the password to be used to perform server authentication.
Public Property Port Gets or sets the server's port.
Public Property Realm Gets or sets the server's authentication Realm.
Public Property ResolvedMediaFolder Retrieves the fully resolved path to the server's media folder.
Public Property RTCPTimeOut Gets or sets the server's RTCP timeout.
Public Property RTMPEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the RTMP protocol.
Public Property RTPPort Gets or sets the server's base RTP port.
Public Property RTSPEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the RTSP protocol.
Public Property ServerName Gets or sets the name of the HTTP server.
Public Property SSFEnable Gets or sets the enabled state for the SSF protocol.
Public Property SSLCertificateHash Retrieves or sets the server's SSL certificate hash bytes.
Public Property SSLCertificateStore Retrieves or sets the name of the server's SSL certificate store.
Public Property SSLPort Retrieves or sets the server's SSL port.
Public Property UserName Gets or sets the user name to be used to perform server authentication.

See Also

NetworkProperties Class

Leadtools.MediaStreaming Namespace

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