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Server Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see Server members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Disconnect Terminates an active connection.
Public Method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public Method ExportConfigFile Exports the server's XML configuration to a file.
Public Method ExportConfigString Exports the server's XML configuration to a string.
Public Method GetApplicationProperties Retrieves a copy of the server's application properties.
Public Method GetClients Retrieves a copy of the server's clients list.
Public Method GetInternalObject Retrieves the underlying COM server object.
Public Method GetIPFilters Retrieves a copy of the server's IP filters.
Public Method GetLiveStreamControls Gets a copy of the server's live stream controls LiveStreamControls collection.
Public Method GetLiveStreams Retrieves a copy of the server's live stream collection. A LiveStreams collection.
Public Method GetMIMETypes Retrieves a copy of the server's MIME types.
Public Method GetNetworkProperties Retrieves a copy of the network properties for a server.
Public Method ImportConfigFile Imports an XML configuration file for the server.
Public Method ImportConfigString Imports an XML configuration string for the server.
Public Method ResetConfig Resets the server's configuration to its default values.
Public Method SetApplicationProperties Sets the application properties for the server.
Public Method SetIPFilters Sets the IP filters for the server.
Public Method SetLiveStreams Sets the server's live stream collection.
Public Method SetMIMETypes Sets the server's MIME types.
Public Method SetNetworkProperties Sets the network properties for the server.
Public Method Start Starts the server.
Public Method Stop Stops the server.

See Also

Server Class

Leadtools.MediaStreaming Namespace

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