
The IMAGERESOLUTION structure provides information about the images effects.


typedef struct _IMAGERESOLUTION 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_INT nUnitOfResolution; 
   L_INT nBitsPerPixel; 
   L_FLOAT fHorzResolution; 
   L_FLOAT fVertResolution; 
   L_FLOAT fXScaling; 
   L_FLOAT fYScaling; 
   L_FLOAT fRotationAngle; 
   L_FLOAT fLeftMargin; 
   L_FLOAT fRightMargin; 
   L_FLOAT fTopMargin; 
   L_FLOAT fBottomMargin; 


L_UINT uStructSize

Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.

L_INT nUnitOfResolution

An integer having the unit of resolution to use. Possible values are (according to the TWAIN specification):

Value Meaning
TWUN_INCHES Inches unit.
TWUN_CENTIMETERS Centimeters unit.
TWUN_PICAS Picas unit.
TWUN_POINTS Points unit.
TWUN_TWIPS Twips unit.
TWUN_PIXELS Pixels unit.

L_INT nBitsPerPixel

Bits per pixel the acquired images will have.

L_FLOAT fHorzResolution

Horizontal resolution of the TWAIN source while acquiring the images.

L_FLOAT fVertResolution

Vertical resolution of the TWAIN source while acquiring the images.

L_FLOAT fXScaling

The acquired image x-direction scaling value before transferring.

L_FLOAT fYScaling

The acquired image x-direction scaling value before transferring.

L_FLOAT fRotationAngle

The acquired image rotation angle value before transfer.

L_FLOAT fLeftMargin

The left margin of the scanning area.

L_FLOAT fRightMargin

The right margin of the scanning area.

L_FLOAT fTopMargin

The top margin of the scanning area.

L_FLOAT fBottomMargin

The bottom margin of the scanning area.


Setting the fLeftMargin, fTopMargin, fRightMargin, and fBottomMargin will set the DAT_IMAGELAYOUT structure.

pIMAGERESOLUTION is a pointer to an IMAGERESOLUTION structure. Where the function parameter type is pIMAGERESOLUTION, you can declare an IMAGERESOLUTION variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pIMAGERESOLUTION variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.


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