The PRNPRINTERINFO structure provides information for installing or uninstalling LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Drivers.
typedef struct _tagPrnPrinterInfo
L_UINT uStructSize; / * Size of the structure */
L_TCHAR *pszPrinterName; / * printer's name */
L_TCHAR *pszMonitorName; / * Monitor Name */
L_TCHAR *pszPortName; / * Port Name */
L_TCHAR *pszProductName; / * Product Name */
L_TCHAR *pszRegistryKey; / * Reg Subkey on HKCU\\Software to store Printer Information */
L_TCHAR *pszRootDir; / * Root Directory */
L_TCHAR *pszHelpFile; / * Help File Name */
L_TCHAR *pszPassword; / * password */
L_TCHAR *pszUrl; / * URL to redirect user when printer is locked */
L_TCHAR *pszPrinterExe; / * Printer Exe Path */
L_TCHAR *pszAboutString; / * About description text */
L_TCHAR *pszAboutIcon; /* Icon file name for About dialog icon */
Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.
Character string that contains the name of a printer in the list of locally supported printers. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for both installation and un-installation. The printer's name should not include special characters such as !
, \
and ,
. nor shoud it use the following special characters: /, *, ?, :, ", <, >, and |
. This parameter is case-sensitive.
Character string that contains the name of the monitor. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for both installation and un-installation and cannot be NULL.
Character string that contains the name of the port. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for both installation and un-installation and cannot be NULL.
Character string that contains the product name. This is a null-terminated string. It will be used for Message Box captions and is required for installation.
Character string that contains the registry key for the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver. This is a null-terminated string. The registry key is used to store the current user-specific settings.
Character string that contains the installation path. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for installation
Character string that contains the name of the help file associated with this printer. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for installation.
Character string that contains the administrative password to be used when locking or unlocking the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver. This is a null-terminated string. It is not required for installation or un-installation. It is, however, required in order to be able to lock or unlock the printer, Pass NULL to disable the ability to lock the printer. For more information, refer to L_PrnLockPrinter and L_PrnUnlockPrinter.
Character string that contains the URL (for example, the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver's support URL) to be displayed in the message box that appears when the user tries to print directly to a Locked LEADTOOLS printer. This is a null-terminated string. It is not required for installation or un-installation. Please note that the URL length should be less than 48 characters in normal font and style, and before the final deployment of an application, verify that the URL used fits within the message box. If no URL is provided, the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver URL will be used ( For more information, refer to Locking and Unlocking the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver.
Character string used to specify an EXE that will be started when the virtual printer receives a print job. It contains the executable path. This is a null-terminated string. It is required for installation.
Character string that contains the description text that will be displayed in about dialog.
Character string that contains path for the icon that will be displayed in about dialog.
The installation path specified in the pszRootDir member is the root folder in which the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver version is installed. The default installation directory is in the "C:\LEADTOOLS22\Bin\Common\PrinterDriver".
This folder should contain two sub-folders:
\Bin. This folder should contain executable files.
\Spool. Used to store temporary files generated when printing.
Note: All users of this printer must have access to the folder passed to the pszRootDir member.
This structure is used within the L_PrnInstallPrinter, L_PrnUninstallPrinter , L_PrnFreePrinterInfo, and the L_PrnGetPrinterInfo functions.