
The PRNPRINTERSPECIFICATIONS structure provides information about the print quality, paper size, paper orientation, and paper margins.


typedef struct _tagPrnPrinterSpecifications 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uPaperID; / * If the paper is a predefined paper; then the IDs range will be: 1 - 41. If the paper is a custom paper; then the ID will be: >= DMPAPER_USER + 200 */ 
   L_CHAR szPaperSizeName[MAX_STRING]; 
   L_DOUBLE dPaperWidth; 
   L_DOUBLE dPaperHeight; 
   L_BOOL bDimensionsInInches; 
   L_BOOL bPortraitOrient; 
   L_CHAR szMarginsPrinter[MAX_PRINTER_NAME]; 
   L_INT nPrintQuality; 
   L_INT nYResolution; 


L_UINT uStructSize

Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() operator to calculate this value.


Value that represents the paper size. This value can be any of the predefined paper size IDs. For a list of possible values, refer to the dmPaperSize member of the DEVMODE structure in the Microsoft Platform SDK help file.

Also, the value can be a custom paper size ID. Custom paper IDs start from the value of DMPAPER_USER + 200.

L_CHAR szPaperSizeName

Character string that contains the name of the custom paper size.

L_DOUBLE dPaperWidth

Value that represents the width of the paper. The unit of measure is set by the value of the member bDimensionsInInches.

L_DOUBLE dPaperHeight

Value that represents the height of the paper. The unit of measure is set by the value of the member bDimensionsInInches.

L_BOOL bDimensionsInInches

Flag that indicates which unit of measure to use. The following values are possible:

Value Meaning
TRUE Dimensions are in inches.
FALSE Dimensions are in millimeters.

L_BOOL bPortraitOrient

Flag that indicates whether the paper orientation is portrait or landscape. The following values are possible:

Value Meaning
TRUE Use portrait paper.
FALSE Use landscape paper.

L_CHAR szMarginsPrinter

Character string that contains the name of the printer that will be used when simulating margins.

L_INT nPrintQuality

Value that represents the print quality or the X-resolution to be used for printing. The following values are possible:

The print quality predefined values:

Value Meaning
DMRES_DRAFT [-1] Use draft resolution (96 DPI).
DMRES_LOW [-2] Use low resolution (150 DPI).
DMRES_MEDIUM [-3] Use medium resolution (300 DPI).
DMRES_HIGH [-4] Use high resolution (600 DPI).

The X resolution in DPI positive possible values:

From 50 to 1600.

L_INT nYResolution

Value that represents the Y-resolution to be used for printing. If the value of the nPrintQuality member is one of the print quality predefined values, this value will be ignored. Otherwise, this value should be the same as the value of the nPrintQuality member.


This structure is used with L_PrnSetPrinterSpecifications and L_PrnGetPrinterSpecifications.

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