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TranslateItemScaleFactor Method


Translates an item horizontally or vertically a given amount of pixels regardless of the current zoom value.

public void TranslateItemScaleFactor( 
   ImageViewerItem item, 
   double dx, 
   double dy, 
   bool resetValues 
   void TranslateItemScaleFactor( 
      ImageViewerItem^ item, 
      double dx, 
      double dy, 
      bool resetValues 



The item to translate. This parameter cannot be null.


Number of pixels to translate the item horizontally.


Number of pixels to translate the item vertically.


true to reset the item state transformations, otherwise; false.


This is a helper method to quickly transform an item a specified amount of pixels regardless of the current zoom value.


This example will add a few items to the ImageViewer and then create a new interactive mode that transform the item using mouse or touch.

Run the demo. Click on any item and drag to translate, CTRL-click to zoom the item in and out.

Start with the ImageViewer example, remove all the code inside the example function (search for the "// TODO: add example code here" comment) and insert the following code:

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Drawing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
public ImageViewerForm _form = new ImageViewerForm(); 
public ImageViewer _imageViewer; 
public void ImageViewerTranslateItemScaleFactorExample() 
   // Get the ImageViewer control from the form 
   _imageViewer = _form.ImageViewer; 
   // Clear all the images already the viewer 
   // Use vertical view layout 
   _imageViewer.ViewLayout = new ImageViewerVerticalViewLayout(); 
   // Item Border 
   _imageViewer.ItemBorderThickness = 1; 
   // Make sure the item size is larger than the image size (thumbnails mode) 
   _imageViewer.ItemSize = LeadSize.Create(200, 200); 
   // Add 4 items to the viewer 
   using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      for (var page = 1; page <= 4; page++) 
         ImageViewerItem item = new ImageViewerItem(); 
         var fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, string.Format("ocr{0}.tif", page)); 
         // Create a thumbnail from the image 
         using (var image = codecs.Load(fileName, page)) 
            item.Image = image.CreateThumbnail(180, 180, 24, RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, RasterSizeFlags.Resample); 
   // Shift the active item 
   _imageViewer.TranslateItemScaleFactor(_imageViewer.ActiveItem, 30, 30, true); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 

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