ListBulletPresets Enumeration


Defines the list bullet presets in the current editor.


lt.Document.Editor.ListBulletPresets { 
   NumberedDefault: 0, 
   NumberedParenthesis: 1, 
   NumberedDotSections: 2, 
   NumberedCapitalized: 3, 
   NumberedRoman: 4, 
   NumberedZeroPrefix: 5, 
   UnorderedDefault: 6, 
   UnorderedPoints: 7, 
   UnorderedSquare: 8, 
   UnorderedArrow: 9, 
   UnorderedStar: 10, 
   UnorderedPointer: 11 
lt.Document.Editor.ListBulletPresets { 
   NumberedDefault: 0, 
   NumberedParenthesis: 1, 
   NumberedDotSections: 2, 
   NumberedCapitalized: 3, 
   NumberedRoman: 4, 
   NumberedZeroPrefix: 5, 
   UnorderedDefault: 6, 
   UnorderedPoints: 7, 
   UnorderedSquare: 8, 
   UnorderedArrow: 9, 
   UnorderedStar: 10, 
   UnorderedPointer: 11 


Value Member Description (1st point -> next line and tabbed -> another line and tabed)
0 NumberedDefault The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. 1. -> a. -> i.
1 NumberedParenthesis The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. 1) -> a) -> i)
2 NumberedDotSections The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. 1. -> 1.1. -> 1.1.1.
3 NumberedCapitalized The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. A. -> a. -> i.
4 NumberedRoman The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. I. -> A. -> 1.
5 NumberedZeroPrefix The styling/format of the way the numbered list is shown. 01. -> a. -> i.
6 UnorderedDefault The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ● -> ○ -> ■
7 UnorderedPoints The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ❖ -> ➤ -> ■
8 UnorderedSquare The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ❏ -> ❏ -> ❏
9 UnorderedArrow The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ➨ -> ⬧ -> ●
10 UnorderedStar The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ☆ -> ○ -> ■
11 UnorderedPointer The styling/format of the way the unordered list is shown. ➤ -> ○ -> ■


Target Platforms

See Also

Leadtools.Document.Editor Namespace

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