intersectionPercentage Property


Percentage of intersection to use when redacting text characters.

Object.defineProperty(AnnotationsRedactionOptions.prototype, 'intersectionPercentage', 
   get: function(), 
   set: function(value) 
intersectionPercentage: number; 

Property Value

The percentage of intersection to use when redacting text characters. The default value is 0, which means to perform redacting if 50% or more of the character boundary intersects with any of the redaction items.


intersectionPercentage controls the percentage of intersection on which to perform redaction on the text characters as follows:

  • Value of 1: Means only perform the operation if 1% or more of the character boundary intersects with any of the redaction items.
  • Value of 50: Means only perform the operation if 50% or more of the character boundary intersects with any of the redaction items.
  • Value of 100: Means only perform the operation if 100% of the character boundary intersects with any of the redaction items.

The default value of 0 means to use the default percentage of 50%.


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