DocumentDifference Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentDifference.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method canGetNextDeletion Indicates whether the next PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Delete can be retrieved from the result set.
Public Method canGetNextInsertion Indicates whether the next PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Insert can be retrieved from the result set.
Public Method canGetPreviousDeletion Indicates whether the previous PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Delete can be retrieved from the result set.
Public Method canGetPreviousInsertion Indicates whether the previous PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Insert can be retrieved from the result set.
Public Method generateMarkdownReport Generates a Markdown Report from the result set.
Public Method getDeletions Retrieves all PageCharactersDifference objects tagged with DifferenceOperation.Delete.
Public Method getInsertions Retrieves all PageCharactersDifference objects tagged with DifferenceOperation.Insert.
Public Method getNextDeletion Retrieves the next PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Delete from the result set.
Public Method getNextInsertion Retrieves the next PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Insert from the result set.
Public Method getPreviousDeletion Retrieves the previous PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Delete from the result set.
Public Method getPreviousInsertion Retrieves the previous PageCharactersDifference object tagged with DifferenceOperation.Insert from the result set.
Public Method hasDeletions Indicates whether the result set has PageCharactersDifference objects tagged as DifferenceOperation.Delete.
Public Method hasInsertions Indicates whether the result set has PageCharactersDifference objects tagged as DifferenceOperation.Insert.
Public Method resetDeletionCounter Resets the internal DifferenceOperation.Delete for the DocumentDifference object.
Public Method resetInsertionCounter Resets the internal DifferenceOperation.Insert for the DocumentDifference object.
Public Method toJSON Converts this object to JSON.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property additions List of all the addition items.
Public Property deletions List of all the deletions.
Public Property differences List of all the differences.
Public Property unparsedDifferences List of all the un-parsed differences.

See Also

DocumentDifference Class

Leadtools.Document Namespace

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