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AltoXmlDocumentOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AltoXmlDocumentOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property applicationDescription Application description setting for the ALTO document.
Public Property fileName File name for the ALTO document.
Public Property firstPhysicalPageNumber First physical page number setting for the ALTO document.
Public Property formatted Indicates whether to produce a formatted XML document.
Public Property indentation The indentation string to use when producing a formatted XML document.
Public Property measurementUnit The measurement unit for the ALTO document.
Public Property plainText Discards font information: the text will be written without any font style.
Public Property processingAgency Processing agency for the ALTO document.
Public Property processingDateTime Processing date/time for the ALTO document.
Public Property processingStepDescription Processing step description for the ALTO document.
Public Property processingStepSettings Processing step settings for the ALTO document.
Public Property showGlyphInfo Displays extra information about each glyph (position, bounding rectangle).
Public Property showGlyphVariants Display variants for certain glyphs when input is text from OCR.
Public Property softwareCreator Software creator setting for the ALTO document.
Public Property softwareName Software name setting for the ALTO document.
Public Property softwareVersion Software version setting for the ALTO document.
Public Property sort Sorts text from top-left to bottom-right.

See Also

AltoXmlDocumentOptions Class

Leadtools.Document Namespace

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