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Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom Scu Common classes.


Class Description
Class AfterAssociateRequestEventArgs Provides data for the AfterAssociateRequest event.
Class AfterCFindEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCFind event.
Class AfterCGetEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCGet event.
Class AfterCMoveEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCMove event.
Class AfterConnectEventArgs Provides data for the AfterConnect event.
Class AfterCStoreEventArgs Provides data for the AfterCStore event.
Class AfterNActionEventArgs Provides data for the AfterNAction event.
Class AfterSecureLinkReadyEventArgs Provides data for the AfterSecureLInkReady event.
Class BaseEventArgs Base event args.
Class BeforeAssociateAcceptEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeAssociationAcceptDelegate.
Class BeforeAssociateRequestEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeAssociateRequest event.
Class BeforeCFindEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCFind event.
Class BeforeCGetEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCGet event.
Class BeforeCMoveEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCMove event.
Class BeforeConnectEventArgs Provides data for the Connect event.
Class BeforeCStoreEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeCStore event.
Class BeforeNActionEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeNAction event.
Class BeforeNGetEventArgs Provides data for the BeforeNGetEvent event.
Class ClientAssociationException The exception that is thrown when an DICOM association is rejected.
Class ClientClassNotSupportedException The exception that is thrown during a DICOM C-GET when the SOP Class is not supported by the DICOM Association.
Class ClientCommunicationCanceled The exception that is thrown when DICOM communication is canceled by the user.
Class ClientCommunicationException The exception that is thrown when a communication error occurs.
Class ClientConnectionException Exception that is thrown when a connection exception occurs.
Class ClientSecureLinkReadyException The exception thrown when the secure handshake (TLS) failed.
Class CommonEventArgs Provides data for DICOM events that share common data.
Class CompositeObjectInstance Contains information about a composite object instance.
Class ContentTemplateSequence Describes a specific content item.
Class DicomConnection This is a support class to be used internally by the LEADTOOLS communication objects.
Class Enum<T> Enumeration utility methods.
Class FindQuery Defines a C-FIND query to send to a C-FIND SCP.
Class HostReadyEventArgs Provides data for the QueryRetrieveScu.HostReady event.
Class Iphlpapi Provides IPAddress helper function.
Class MatchEventArgs<T> Provides data for the Match event.
Class MovedEventArgs Provides data for the Moved event.
Class Parameters Internal class used to hold current DICOM communication information.
Class PresentationContext Summary description for ClassInfo.
Class PrivateKeyPasswordEventArgs Provides data for the PriveKeyPassword event.
Class ReceiveBufferEventArgs Provides data for the ReceiveBuffer event.
Class ReceivedStoreRequestEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.QueryRetrieveScu.ReceivedStoreRequest event.
Class ReferencedImageSequence Item that contains a reference to a selected Image SOP Class/SOP Instance pair.
Class ReferencedRequestSequence Item that provides info on a selected request.
Class ReferencedSeriesSequence Item the includes the attributes for a series.
Class StatusCommonEventArgs Provides data for DICOM events that share common data that includes a status.
Class StorageCommitmentResultEventArgs Provides data for the Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.StoreScu.StorageCommitmentResult event.
Class StorageCommitmentWaitEventArgs Provides data for the StorageCommitmentWait event.
Class VerifyCertificateEventArgs Provides data for the VerifyCertificate event.
Class VerifyingObserverSequence Describes a person authorized to verify specific documents.
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Leadtools.Dicom.Scu Assembly
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