Size Property

Gets the patient's size.
public Nullable<double> Size { get; set; } 
property Nullable<double> Size { 
   Nullable<double> get(); 
   void set (    Nullable<double> ); 

Property Value

Length or size of the patient, in meters.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Status; 
public void FindStudy() 
   QueryRetrieveScu findStudy = new QueryRetrieveScu(); 
   FindQuery query = new FindQuery(); 
   DicomScp scp = new DicomScp(); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the calling AETitle. 
   findStudy.AETitle = "LEAD_CLIENT"; 
   findStudy.HostPort = 1000; 
   findStudy.HostAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the called AETitle (server). 
   scp.AETitle = "MI_SERVER"; 
   scp.Port = 104; 
   scp.Timeout = 60; 
   scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); 
   scp.Secure = false; 
   // Find all studies 
   query.QueryLevel = QueryLevel.Study; 
   findStudy.BeforeConnect += new BeforeConnectDelegate(findStudy_BeforeConnect); 
   findStudy.AfterConnect += new AfterConnectDelegate(findStudy_AfterConnect); 
   findStudy.BeforeCFind += new BeforeCFindDelegate(findStudy_BeforeCFind); 
   findStudy.MatchStudy += new MatchStudyDelegate(findStudy_MatchStudy); 
   findStudy.AfterCFind += new AfterCFindDelegate(findStudy_AfterCFind); 
   findStudy.Find(scp, query); 
   findStudy = null; 
   query = null; 
   scp = null; 
void findStudy_BeforeConnect(object sender, BeforeConnectEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Connecting to: " + e.Scp.PeerAddress.ToString()); 
void findStudy_AfterConnect(object sender, AfterConnectEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Connection status: " + e.Error); 
void findStudy_BeforeCFind(object sender, BeforeCFindEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Before CFind: " + e.QueryLevel.ToString()); 
   Console.WriteLine("Association supports relational queries: {0}", e.Scp.Relational); 
   Console.WriteLine("Association Information"); 
   for (int i = 0; i < e.Scp.Association.PresentationContextCount; i++) 
      byte pid = e.Scp.Association.GetPresentationContextID(i); 
      string absSyntax = e.Scp.Association.GetAbstract(pid); 
      DicomAssociateAcceptResultType result = e.Scp.Association.GetResult(pid); 
      DicomUid uid = DicomUidTable.Instance.Find(absSyntax); 
      Console.WriteLine("\tPresentationContext ({0})", pid); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t\tAbstractSyntax: {0}", absSyntax); 
      if (uid != null) 
         Console.WriteLine("\t\tDescription: {0}", uid.Name); 
      Console.WriteLine("\t\tResult: {0}", result); 
void findStudy_MatchStudy(object sender, MatchEventArgs<Study> e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Accession #: " + e.Info.AccessionNumber); 
   Console.WriteLine("Admitting Diagnosis Description: " + e.Info.AdmitDiagDescrp); 
   Console.WriteLine("Age: " + (e.Info.Age.HasValue ? e.Info.Age.Value.Number.ToString() + e.Info.Age.Value.Reference : "No Age")); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Date: " + e.Info.Date); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Time: " + e.Info.Time); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Description: " + e.Info.Description); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Id: " + e.Info.Id); 
   Console.WriteLine("Study Instance: " + e.Info.InstanceUID); 
   if (e.Info.ModalitiesInStudy != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("Modalities in Study: " + e.Info.ModalitiesInStudy.ToString()); 
   if (e.Info.NameOfDrsReading != null) 
      Console.WriteLine("Name of drs reading Study: " + e.Info.NameOfDrsReading.ToString()); 
   Console.WriteLine("Number of Related Instances: " + e.Info.NumberOfRelatedInstances); 
   Console.WriteLine("Number of Related Series: " + e.Info.NumberofRelatedSeries); 
   Console.WriteLine("Referring Dr Name: " + e.Info.ReferringPhysiciansName.Full); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Size: " + e.Info.Size); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Weight: " + e.Info.Weight); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Birth Date: " + e.Info.Patient.BirthDate); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Comments: " + e.Info.Patient.Comments); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Id: " + e.Info.Patient.Id); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Sex: " + e.Info.Patient.Sex); 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Name"); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFamily Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Family); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tGiven Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Given); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tMiddle Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Middle); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tName Prefix: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Prefix); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tName Suffix: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Suffix); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFull Name: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.Full); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tFull Name Dicom Encoded: " + e.Info.Patient.Name.FullDicomEncoded); 
void findStudy_AfterCFind(object sender, AfterCFindEventArgs e) 
   if (e.Status != DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
      // If there is a problem, print the additional status elements 
      string statusAllString = e.StatusAll.ToString(); 

Target Platforms

See Also


Study Class

Study Members

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