AfterCGet Event

Occurs before a C-GET-REQ is sent to the scp.
public event AfterCGetDelegate AfterCGet 
event AfterCGetDelegate^ AfterCGet 
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type AfterCGetEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following AfterCGetEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

AffectedClass Gets or sets the SOP UID for this C-GET query
Completed Gets or sets number of completed C-STORE sub operations
Dataset Gets or sets a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSetobject which contains the information retrieved from the original C-GET-REQ
Failed Gets or sets number of failed C-STORE sub operations
MessageId Gets or sets the Message ID being responded to
PresentationID Gets or sets the presentation ID being responded to
Remaining Gets or sets number of remaining C-STORE sub operations
Scp (Inherited from Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common.BaseEventArgs)Gets the SCP.
Status Gets or sets a status Leadtools.Dicom.DicomCommandStatusType of the C-GET-REQ
Warning Gets or sets number of C-STORE sub operations that generated warnings
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Scu.Common; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Status; 
public void QueryRetrieveScu_Get1() 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the calling AETitle. 
   QueryRetrieveScu getScu = new QueryRetrieveScu(); 
   getScu.AETitle = "LEAD_CLIENT"; 
   getScu.HostPort = 1000; 
   getScu.HostAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList.FirstOrDefault(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork); 
   // Change these parameters to reflect the called AETitle (server). 
   DicomScp scp = new DicomScp(); 
   scp.AETitle = "LEAD_GET_SCP"; 
   scp.Port = 404; 
   scp.Timeout = 60; 
   scp.PeerAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); 
   getScu.BeforeCGet += new BeforeCGetDelegate(getStudy_BeforeCGet); 
   getScu.AfterCGet += new AfterCGetDelegate(getStudy_AfterCGet); 
   getScu.ReceivedStoreRequest += new ReceivedStoreRequestDelegate(getStudy_ReceivedStoreRequest); 
   // The C-GET must know the Media Storage SOP Class UID of the DICOM Datasets that you want to retrieve 
   // In this example, the five SMITH^TERRY instances are retrieved 
   //    SOP Class UID of the instances is: 
   //       MR Image Storage 
   //       1.2.840.10008. 
   //    StudyInstanceUid of the study is: 
   //    SeriesInstanceUid of the series is: 
   //    SOPInstanceUid of one of the five instances is: 
   string studyInstanceUid = ""; 
   string seriesInstanceUid = ""; 
   string sopInstanceUid = ""; 
   PresentationContext pc = new PresentationContext(DicomUidType.MRImageStorage); 
   // Alternatively, you can create the presentation context if you have a compatible DicomDataSet 
   // This is illustrated, but 'pc' will be used 
   PresentationContext pcAnotherWay; 
   string compatibleDicomName = @"D:\erase\dicom\compatible.dcm"; 
   if (File.Exists(compatibleDicomName)) 
      DicomDataSet dsCompatible = new DicomDataSet(); 
      dsCompatible.Load(compatibleDicomName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None); 
      pcAnotherWay = QueryRetrieveScu.GetCompatiblePresentationContext(dsCompatible); 
   List<PresentationContext> pcList = new List<PresentationContext>(); 
   // There are four overloads for Get 
   // This examples illustrates how to use three of the overloads (study leve, series level, instance level) 
   // Uncomment whichever overload you want to use 
   // StudyLevel -- retrieves five instances 
   // getStudy.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, pcList); 
   // SeriesLevel -- retrieves three instances 
   // getStudy.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, seriesInstanceUid, pcList); 
   // InstanceLevel -- retrieves one instance 
   getScu.Get(scp, studyInstanceUid, seriesInstanceUid, sopInstanceUid, pcList); 
void getStudy_BeforeCGet(object sender, BeforeCGetEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Before CGet"); 
void getStudy_ReceivedStoreRequest(object sender, ReceivedStoreRequestEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("Patient Name:\t{0}", e.Patient.Name.Full); 
   Console.WriteLine("SOPInstanceUID:\t{0}", e.Instance.SOPInstanceUID); 
void getStudy_AfterCGet(object sender, AfterCGetEventArgs e) 
   Console.WriteLine("After CGet"); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Completed", e.Completed); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Failed", e.Failed); 
   Console.WriteLine("\t{0} Warning", e.Warning); 
   Console.WriteLine("\tStatus: {0}", e.Status); 
   if (e.Status != DicomCommandStatusType.Success) 
      string statusAllString = e.StatusAll.ToString(StatusFormatFlags.IgnoreStatus, "\n", "\t"); 

Target Platforms

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