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Leadtools.SpecialEffects Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools SpecialEffects enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration SpecialEffectsBackStyle The background style for the special effect. The backStyle parameter of the Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsBorderStyle The border style used for the special effect. The borderStyle parameter of the Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsFillStyle The fill style used for the special effect. The fillStyle parameter of the Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsFrameStyleFlags The frame style used for the special effect. The frameStyle parameter of the DrawFrame method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsGradientStyle The gradient direction (one color transitioning to another). The gradientStyle parameter of the GradientFillRectangle method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsInnerStyle The style used to draw the inner portion. The innerStyle parameter of the Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsOuterStyle The style used to draw the outer portion. The outerStyle parameter of the Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsPatternStyle The pattern style used for the special effect. The patternStyle parameter of the GradientPatternFillRectangle method uses this enumeration. Possible values are:
Enumeration SpecialEffectsShape Shapes that can be painted. The Draw3dShape method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsTextAlignmentFlags The text alignment for the special effect. The Draw3dText and DrawRotated3dText methods use this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsTextStyle The text style used for the special effect. The Draw3dText and DrawRotated3dText methods use this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsTransitionStyle The filling style used for the special effect. The transitionStyle parameter of the PaintTransition method uses this enumeration.
Enumeration SpecialEffectsType Type of special effect. The DrawEffect, PaintTransition, PaintImage and PaintImageEffect methods use this enumeration. Possible values are:
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Leadtools.SpecialEffects Assembly
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