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SpecialEffectsGradientStyle Enumeration

The gradient direction (one color transitioning to another). The gradientStyle parameter of the GradientFillRectangle method uses this enumeration.

public enum SpecialEffectsGradientStyle 
public enum class SpecialEffectsGradientStyle : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable   
class SpecialEffectsGradientStyle(Enum): 
   LineLToR = 1000 
   LineLToR = 1000 
   LineRToL = 1001 
   LineTToB = 1002 
   LineBToT = 1003 
   LineLTToRB = 1004 
   LineLBToRT = 1005 
   LineRTToLB = 1006 
   LineRBToLT = 1007 
   Line2LAndRToC = 1008 
   Line2CToLAndR = 1009 
   Line2TAndBToC = 1010 
   Line2CToTAndB = 1011 
   Line2LTAndRBToC = 1012 
   Line2CToLTAndRB = 1013 
   Line2RTAndLBToC = 1014 
   Line2CToRTAndLB = 1015 
   Line2CToRTAndLB = 1015 
   AngleToLT = 2000 
   AngleToLT = 2000 
   AngleToLB = 2001 
   AngleToRT = 2002 
   AngleToRB = 2003 
   AngleFromLT = 2004 
   AngleFromLB = 2005 
   AngleFromRT = 2006 
   AngleFromRB = 2007 
   AngleFromRB = 2007 
   RectangleClass = 3000 
   RectangleClass = 3000 
   RectangleMax = 3001 
   RectangleMax = 3001 
   EllipseClass = 4000 
   EllipseClass = 4000 
   EllipseFromC = 4001 
   EllipseFromC = 4001 
   ConeFromL = 5000 
   ConeFromL = 5000 
   ConeFromR = 5001 
   ConeFromT = 5002 
   ConeFromB = 5003 
   ConeFromLT = 5004 
   ConeFromLB = 5005 
   ConeFromRT = 5006 
   ConeFromRB = 5007 
   ConeFromRB = 5007 
1000LineClassLinear class
1000LineLToRLine left to right
1001LineRToLLine right to left
1002LineTToBLine top to bottom
1003LineBToTLine bottom to top
1004LineLTToRBLine left-top to right-bottom
1005LineLBToRTLine left-bottom to right-top
1006LineRTToLBLine right-top to left-bottom
1007LineRBToLTLine right-bottom to left-top
1008Line2LAndRToCLine2 left and right to center
1009Line2CToLAndRLine2 center to left and right
1010Line2TAndBToCLine2 top and bottom to center
1011Line2CToTAndBLine2 center to top and bottom
1012Line2LTAndRBToCLine2 left-top and right-bottom
1013Line2CToLTAndRBLine2 center to left-top and rig
1014Line2RTAndLBToCLine2 right-top and left-bottom
1015LineMaxNumber of gradients in this class.
1015Line2CToRTAndLBLine2 center to right-top and left-bottom
2000AngleClassAngular class
2000AngleToLTAngle to left-top
2001AngleToLBAngle to left-bottom
2002AngleToRTAngle to right-top
2003AngleToRBAngle to right-bottom
2004AngleFromLTAngle from left-top
2005AngleFromLBAngle from left-bottom
2006AngleFromRTAngle from right-top
2007AngleFromRBAngle from right-bottom
2007AngleMaxNumber of gradients in this class.
3000RectangleClassRectangular class
3000RectangleToCRectangle to center
3001RectangleMaxNumber of gradients in this class.
3001RectangleFromCRectangle from center
4000EllipseClassElliptical class
4000EllipseToCEllipse to center
4001EllipseFromCEllipse from center
4001EllipseMaxNumber of gradients in this class.
5000ConeFromLCone from left
5000ConeClassConical class
5001ConeFromRCone from right
5002ConeFromTCone from top
5003ConeFromBCone from bottom
5004ConeFromLTCone from left-top
5005ConeFromLBCone from left-bottom
5006ConeFromRTCone from right-top
5007ConeMaxNumber of gradients in this class.
5007ConeFromRBCone from right-bottom

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