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public enum SpecialEffectsShape
Value | Member | Description |
1000 | SquareClass | Square class |
1000 | Square | Square |
1001 | SquareRounded | Rounded square |
1001 | SquareMax | Number of shapes in this class |
2000 | RectangleClass | Rectangle class |
2000 | Rectangle | Rectangle |
2001 | RectangleRounded | Rounded rectangle |
2001 | RectangleMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
3000 | ParallelogramL | Parallelogram left |
3000 | ParallelogramClass | Parallelogram class |
3001 | ParallelogramR | Parallelogram right |
3002 | ParallelogramT | Parallelogram top |
3003 | ParallelogramB | Parallelogram bottom |
3003 | ParallelogramMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
4000 | TrapezoidClass | Trapezoid class |
4000 | TrapezoidL | Trapezoid left |
4001 | TrapezoidR | Trapezoid right |
4002 | TrapezoidT | Trapezoid top |
4003 | TrapezoidMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
4003 | TrapezoidB | Trapezoid bottom |
5000 | TriangleEquilateralL | Equilateral triangle left |
5000 | TriangleClass | Triangle class |
5001 | TriangleEquilateralR | Equilateral triangle right |
5002 | TriangleEquilateralT | Equilateral triangle top |
5003 | TriangleEquilateralB | Equilateral triangle bottom |
5004 | TriangleIsoscelesL | Isosceles triangle left |
5005 | TriangleIsoscelesR | Isosceles triangle right |
5006 | TriangleIsoscelesT | Isosceles triangle top |
5007 | TriangleIsoscelesB | Isosceles triangle bottom |
5008 | TriangleRightLT | Right triangle left-top |
5009 | TriangleRightLB | Right triangle left-bottom |
5010 | TriangleRightRT | Right triangle right-top |
5011 | TriangleMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
5011 | TriangleRightRB | Right triangle right-bottom |
6000 | OtherClass | Other polygons |
6000 | Octagon | Octagon |
6001 | Diamond | Diamond |
6002 | Pentagon | Pentagon |
6003 | Hexagon | Hexagon |
6004 | Line | Line |
6005 | OtherMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
6005 | Region | Region |
7000 | CircleClass | Circle class |
7000 | Circle | Circle |
7001 | Circle90LT | Circle 90° left-top |
7002 | Circle90LB | Circle 90° left-bottom |
7003 | Circle90RT | Circle 90° right-top |
7004 | Circle90RB | Circle 90° right-bottom |
7005 | Circle180L | Circle 180° left |
7006 | Circle180R | Circle 180° right |
7007 | Circle180T | Circle 180° top |
7008 | Circle180B | Circle 180° bottom |
7009 | Circle270LT | Circle 270° left-top |
7010 | Circle270LB | Circle 270° left-bottom |
7011 | Circle270RT | Circle 270° right-top |
7012 | Circle270RB | Circle 270° right-bottom |
7012 | CircleMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
8000 | EllipseClass | Ellipse class |
8000 | Ellipse | Ellipse |
8001 | Ellipse90LT | Ellipse 90° left-top |
8002 | Ellipse90LB | Ellipse 90° left-bottom |
8003 | Ellipse90RT | Ellipse 90° right-top |
8004 | Ellipse90RB | Ellipse 90° right-bottom |
8005 | Ellipse180L | Ellipse 180° left |
8006 | Ellipse180R | Ellipse 180° right |
8007 | Ellipse180T | Ellipse 180° top |
8008 | Ellipse180B | Ellipse 180° bottom |
8009 | Ellipse270LT | Ellipse 270° left-top |
8010 | Ellipse270LB | Ellipse 270° left-bottom |
8011 | Ellipse270RT | Ellipse 270° right-top |
8012 | Ellipse270RB | Ellipse 270° right-bottom |
8012 | EllipseMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
9000 | StarClass | Star class |
9000 | Star4 | Star 4 points |
9001 | Star5 | Star 5 points |
9002 | Star8 | Star 8 points |
9003 | Star16 | Star 16 points |
9004 | Star24 | Star 24 points |
9005 | StarMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
9005 | Star32 | Star 36 points |
10000 | CrossSMALL | Cross small |
10000 | CrossClass | Cross class |
10001 | CrossMEDIUM | Cross medium |
10002 | CrossMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
10002 | CrossLARGE | Cross large |
11000 | ArrowL | Arrow left |
11000 | ArrowClass | Arrow class |
11001 | ArrowR | Arrow right |
11002 | ArrowT | Arrow top |
11003 | ArrowB | Arrow bottom |
11004 | Arrow2LAndR | Arrow2 left and right |
11005 | Arrow2TAndB | Arrow2 top and bottom |
11006 | Arrow2LAndT | Arrow2 left and top |
11007 | Arrow2LAndB | Arrow2 left and bottom |
11008 | Arrow2RAndT | Arrow2 right and top |
11009 | Arrow2RAndB | Arrow2 right and bottom |
11010 | Arrow3LAndTAndR | Arrow3 left and top and right |
11011 | Arrow3TAndRAndB | Arrow3 top and right and bottom |
11012 | Arrow3LAndBAndR | Arrow3 left and bottom and right |
11013 | Arrow3LAndTAndB | Arrow3 left and top and bottom |
11014 | ArrowMax | Number of shapes in this class. |
11014 | Arrow4LAndTAndRAndB | Arrow4 left and top and right and bottom |