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Retrieves the minimum and maximum points of an objects view context space.
#include "ltwrappr.h"
L_INT LVectorObject::GetViewContext(pMin, pMax)
Pointer to a VECTORPOINT structure to be updated with the minimum point of the view context space.
Pointer to a VECTORPOINT structure to be updated with the maximum point of the view context space.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
This function fails if the object does not have a preset view context.
L_INT LVectorObject__ChangeViewContextExample( LVectorObject *pVecObj, pVECTORPOINT pMin, pVECTORPOINT pMax )
L_INT nRet;
nRet = pVecObj->GetViewContext( &Min, &Max );
if( SUCCESS != nRet )
nRet = pVecObj->SetViewContext( pMin, pMax );
*pMin = Min;
*pMax = Max;
if( SUCCESS != nRet )
pVecObj->RemoveViewContext( );
return nRet;
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