   OnPrinterReport event (_ILEADDicomPrintSCUEvents dispinterface)
   OnPrintJobReport event (_ILEADDicomPrintSCUEvents dispinterface)
   OnStatus event (_ILEADDicomPrintSCUEvents dispinterface)
_ILEADDicomPrintSCUEvents Dispinterface
_NewEnum property
   _NewEnum property (IDicomWaveformAnnotations Interface)
   _NewEnum property (IDicomWaveformChannels Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILAnnotationBoxes Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILAttributes Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILImageBoxes Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILPrinterConfigurationItems Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILSequenceItems Interface)
_NewEnum property (ILSequences Interface)
16-bit Samples
8-bit Samples

AbortAssociation method (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AbortReason property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AbortSource property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
Abstract Syntax Values
Accept method (ILEADDicomNet)
Add method
   Add method (IDicomWaveformAnnotations Interface)
   Add method (IDicomWaveformChannels Interface)
Adding a Channel
Adding a Collection of Channels
Adding a Waveform Group
Adding ISCL Security to a DICOM Connection
Adding TLS Security to a DICOM Connection
Adding Waveform Annotations
Adding/Managing Waveform Annotations
AddLayerImageRef method
AddPresentation method (ILEADDicomNet)
AddPresStateImageRef method
Address of LEAD Technologies
AddStoredPrintItem method (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
AddTransferSyntax method (ILEADDicomNet)
AddUserInfo method (ILEADDicomNet)
AddWaveformGroup method
AgeValueCount property (ILEADDicomDS)
AgeValues property (ILEADDicomDS)
AnchorPointUnits property
AnchorPointUsed property
AnchorPointVisible property
AnchorPointX property
AnchorPointY property
AnnContainer property (ILEADDicomDS)
AnnCount method (ILEADDicomDS)
AnnDelete method (ILEADDicomDS)
AnnEntries property (ILEADDicomDS)
AnnLoad method (ILEADDicomDS)
Annotation files
Annotation Group Number
AnnotationBoxes property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AnnotationDisplayFormatID property (ILFilmBox Interface)
AnnotationFlag property (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
AnnotationGroupNumber property
AnnotationPosition property (ILAnnotationBox Interface)
   DICOM Annotation Files
   Dicom Annotations: Converting Between LEADTOOLS Annotations and DICOM Annotations
   DICOM Waveform Channels: Setting/Getting Other Channel Attributes
Annotations property
AnnPrivateCreatorTag property (ILEADDicomDS)
AnnSave method (ILEADDicomDS)
Associate Accept
Associate connections
Associate method (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
Associate Reject
Associate Request
Associated property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AssociateRejectReason property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AssociateRejectResult property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
AssociateRejectSource property (ILEADDicomPrintSCU Interface)
Attributes property (ILPrinterConfigurationItem Interface)
Attributes property (ILSequenceItem Interface)
Audio Signals
Audio Support

Basic DICOM File Structure
Basic Voice Audio
Big Endian byte ordering
BinaryValueCount property (ILEADDicomDS)
BinaryValues property (ILEADDicomDS)
Bitmap property (ILEADDicomDS)
BitmapList property (ILEADDicomDS)
BitmapListCount property (ILEADDicomDS)
BlueLUTDescriptorEntryBits property (ILPaletteColorLUTAttributes Interface)
BlueLUTDescriptorFirstMapped property (ILPaletteColorLUTAttributes Interface)
BlueLUTDescriptorNumberOfEntries property (ILPaletteColorLUTAttributes Interface)
BorderDensity property (ILFilmBox Interface)
BoundingBoxBRHCornerX property
BoundingBoxBRHCornerY property
BoundingBoxTextJustification property
BoundingBoxTLHCornerX property
BoundingBoxTLHCornerY property
BoundingBoxUnits property
BoundingBoxUsed property
Building an application
Byte ordering

C# example
   CharValues property (ILEADDicomDS)
   GetCiphersuiteTLS method (ILEADDicomNet)
   J2KDecompLevel property (IDICOMJ2KOptions)
   Example Programs
   Examples for Visual C++ 6.0 Programmers
   Visual C++ 6.0 Syntax
Cardiac Electrophysiological Data
ChangeTransferSyntax method (ILEADDicomDS)
Channel Baseline
Channel Label
Channel Maximum Value
Channel Mi
Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor
Channel Sensitivity Units
ChannelBaseline property
ChannelLabel property
ChannelMaximumValue property
ChannelMinimumValue property
ChannelOffset property
Channels property
ChannelSamples property
ChannelSampleSkew property
ChannelSensitivity property
ChannelSensitivityCF property
ChannelSensitivityUnits property
ChannelSource property
ChannelStatus property
ChannelTimeSkew property
CharValueCount property (ILEADDicomDS)
CharValues property (ILEADDicomDS)
   Context Identifiers
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
Class constants
Close method (ILEADDicomNet)
CloseForced method (ILEADDicomNet)
Closing a DICOM Associate Connection
Closing an ISCL Connection
Code Meaning
Code sequence items
Code Value
Coded Concepts
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
Coded Name
Coded Value
CodedName property
CodedValue property
CodeMeaning property
CodeMeaning property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
CodeValue property
CodeValue property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
Coding Scheme Designator
Coding Scheme Version
CodingSchemeDesignator property
CodingSchemeDesignator property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
CodingSchemeVersion property
CodingSchemeVersion property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
CollationFlag property (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
Collection of Waveform Channels
color images
ColorImagePrintingFlag property (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
COM Object
COM objects
Command Set Default Tables
Command Set defaults
Command Sets
   Data Element Tag Constants for the Command Sets
   Data Sets: Command Sets
   Working with Command Sets
   LEADTOOLS DICOM Network Communication Support for Message Exchange
   Message Exchange
   Network Support
Compressing pixel data elements
Compression Table
CompuServe ID
ConfigurationInformation property (ILFilmBox Interface)
ConfigurationInformation property (ILImageBox Interface)
ConfigurationInformation property (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
ConformanceStatus event (ILEADDicomNet)
ConformanceTestDS method (ILEADDicomDS)
Connect method (ILEADDicomNet)
   Creating a DICOM Network Connection
   Working with DICOM Associate Connections
   Working with DICOM Network Connections
       Closing a DICOM Associate Connection
       Creating a DICOM Associate Connection
   IOD Class Constants
   IOD Module Constants
   IOD Usage Constants
   Value Representation Constants
   Visual Basic Constants for Key Codes
    Destructing and Resetting
Context Group Extension Creator UID
Context Group Local Version
Context Group Table
   Context Identifiers
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
Context Group Table defaults
   Context Identifiers
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
Context Group Version
Context Groups
   Context Identifiers
   DICOM Context Groups
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
Context Identifier
Context Identifiers
   Context Identifiers
   Working with Context Groups
   Working with the DicomCodedConcept Object
   Working with the DicomContextGroup Object
ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID property
ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
ContextGroupLocalVersion property
ContextGroupLocalVersion property (IDicomCodedConcept Interface)
ContextGroupVersion property
ContextGroupVersion property (IDicomContextGroup Interface)
ContextIdentifier property
ContextIdentifier property (IDicomContextGroup Interface)
ConvertDicomAnnObjToLEADAnnObj method
Converting between LEADTOOLS annotations and DICOM annotations
Converting Values
ConvertLEADAnnObjToDicomAnnObjs method
Count property
   Count property (IDicomWaveformAnnotations Interface)
   Count property (IDicomWaveformChannels Interface)
Count property (ILAnnotationBoxes Interface)
Count property (ILAttributes Interface)
Count property (ILImageBoxes Interface)
Count property (ILPrinterConfigurationItems Interface)
Count property (ILSequenceItems Interface)
Count property (ILSequences Interface)
Create method (ILFilmBox Interface)
Create method (ILFilmSession Interface)
Create method (ILImageOverlayBox Interface)
Create method (ILPresentationLUT Interface)
Create method (ILPullPrintRequest Interface)
CreateAssociate method (ILEADDicomNet)
CreateGraphicAnnItem method
CreateGraphicObject method
CreateLayer method
CreateObject method (ILEADDicomFactory Interface)
CreateObject2 method (ILEADDicomFactory Interface)
CreateSignature method (ILEADDicomDS Interface)
CreateTextObject method
Creating a DICOM Associate Connection
Creating a DICOM Network Connection
Creating a New Collection of Channels
Creating a Wave File from the Channels in a Waveform Group
Creating an SCP
Creating an SCU
Creating Data Sets
Creating DICOM Directories
Creating Instances of Licensed COM Objects
Creating Waveform Annotations
CreationDate property (ILPrintJob Interface)
CreationTime property (ILPrintJob Interface)
CurrentCodedConcept property (ILEADDicomDS Interface)
CurrentContextGroup property (ILEADDicomDS Interface)
CurrentElement property (ILEADDicomDS)
CurrentIOD property (ILEADDicomDS)
CurrentModule property (ILEADDicomDS)
CurrentTag property (ILEADDicomDS)
CurrentUID property (ILEADDicomDS)
CurrentVR property (ILEADDicomDS)
