(Main Control)
   JBIG2Flags property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageFlags property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATX1 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATX2 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATX3 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATX4 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATY1 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATY2 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATY3 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageGBATY4 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageQFactor property (Main Control)
   JBIG2ImageTemplateType property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextDifThreshold property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextFlags property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATX1 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATX2 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATX3 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATY1 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATY2 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATY3 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextGBATY4 property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMaxSymArea property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMaxSymHeight property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMaxSymWidth property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMinSymArea property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMinSymHeight property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextMinSymWidth property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextQFactor property (Main Control)
   JBIG2TextTemplateType property (Main Control)
   JBIG2XResolution property (Main Control)
   JBIG2YResolution property (Main Control)
1-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
   Super Compressed Bitmaps
12-bit grayscale image
12-bit grayscale images
16-bit grayscale images
   A Special Note About Loading 12 and 16-Bit Grayscale Images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
16-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
16-color images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
16M color images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
2-color images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
24-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
   Super Compressed Bitmaps
256-color images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
32-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
32K color images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
4-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
8-bit images
   Introduction: Bits Per Pixel and Related Ideas
   Summary of All Supported Image File Formats

AboutBox method (Main Control)
   AboutBox method (Main Control)
   Getting LEADTOOLS Toolkit Information
Acquiring an image
AdaptiveContrast method (Main Control)
AddBitmaps method (Main Control)
AddBorder method (Main Control)
AddFrame method (Main Control)
AddItem method (TAnnMenu)
AddMessage method (Main Control)
AddNoise method (Main Control)
   AddNoise method (Main Control)
   Applying Artistic Effects
Address of LEAD Technologies
AddShadow method (Main Control)
AddWeightedBitmaps method (Main Control)
Adobe Photoshop
Aging method (Main Control)
AllowSelection property (ImageList Control)
Alpha channel
AlphaBlend method (Main Control)
Animate event (Main Control)
Animated GIF
   Creating and Saving an Animated GIF File example for C++ Builder
   Creating and Saving an Animated GIF File example for Delphi
   Multipage File Formats
   Creating and Saving an Animated GIF File example for C++ Builder
   Creating and Saving an Animated GIF File example for Delphi
   Introduction: Animation
   Playing an Animation
AnimationBackColor property (Main Control)
   AnimationBackColor property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationBitsPerPixel property (Main Control)
   AnimationBitsPerPixel property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationEnable property (Main Control)
   AnimationEnable property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationHeight property (Main Control)
   AnimationHeight property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationLoop property (Main Control)
   AnimationLoop property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationPalette property (Main Control)
   AnimationPalette property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnimationWidth property (Main Control)
   AnimationWidth property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AnnAddUndoNode method (Annotation Control)
AnnAddUserHandle method (Annotation Control)
AnnAdjustPoint method (Annotation Control)
AnnAutoCursor property (Annotation Control)
AnnAutoDialogFontSize property (Annotation Control)
AnnAutoDrawEnable property (Annotation Control)
   AnnAutoDrawEnable property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnAutoHilightPen property (Annotation Control)
AnnAutomation property (Annotation Control)
AnnAutomenuEnable property (Annotation Control)
AnnAutoResize property (Annotation Control)
   AnnAutoResize property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnAutoRotate property (Annotation Control)
   AnnAutoRotate property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnBottomPreviousClip property (Annotation Control)
AnnBoundingRectHeight property (Annotation Control)
AnnBoundingRectLeft property (Annotation Control)
AnnBoundingRectTop property (Annotation Control)
AnnBoundingRectWidth property (Annotation Control)
AnnBringToFront method (Annotation Control)
   AnnBringToFront method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnChangeUserHandle method (Annotation Control)
AnnClearTextTokenTable method (Annotation Control)
AnnContainer property (Annotation Control)
AnnContainer property (Annotation Control)
   AnnContainer property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnContainerPointX property (Annotation Control)
   AnnContainerPointX property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnContainerPointY property (Annotation Control)
   AnnContainerPointY property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnConvert method (Annotation Control)
AnnCopy method (Annotation Control)
AnnCopy method(Annotation Control)
AnnCreate method(Annotation Control)
AnnCreateItem method(Annotation Control)
AnnCut method (Annotation Control)
AnnCut method(Annotation Control)
AnnDataPath property (Annotation Control)
AnnDefine method (Annotation Control)
   AnnDefine method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnDefine2 method (Annotation Control)
   AnnDefine2 method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnDeletePage method (Main Control)
AnnDeletePageMemory method (Main Control)
AnnDeleteTextTokenTable method (Annotation Control)
AnnDeleteUserHandle method (Annotation Control)
AnnDescription property (Annotation Control)
AnnDestroy method (Annotation Control)
AnnDistance property (Annotation Control)
   AnnDistance property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnDistanceCount property (Annotation Control)
   AnnDistanceCount property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnEnableAdjust property (Annotation Control)
AnnEnableEnumerateHandlesEvent property (Annotation Control)
AnnEnableEnumerateTextTokenTableEvent property (Annotation Control)
AnnEncryptApply method (Annotation Control)
AnnEncryptOptions property (Annotation Control)
AnnEnumerate method (Annotation Control)
AnnEnumerateHandles method (Annotation Control)
AnnEnumerateTextToken method (Annotation Control)
AnnFileInfo method (Main Control)
AnnFileInfoMemory (Main Control)
AnnFixed property (Annotation Control)
AnnFlags property (Annotation Control)
AnnFlip method (Annotation Control)
   AnnFlip method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
   Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects
AnnGetAngle method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetArea method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetAutoText method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetBackColor method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnGetBitmapDpiX method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetBitmapDpiY method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetContainer method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetContainer method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnGetDistance method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetDistance method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnGetDistance2 method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetDistance2 method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnGetEncryptOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFillMode method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFillPattern method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontBold method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontItalic method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontName method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontSize method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontStrikeThrough method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetFontUnderline method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetForeColor method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetGaugeLength method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetGaugeLength method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnGetGrouping method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetGrouping method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnGetHyperlinkParam method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetHyperlinkString method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetHyperlinkType method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetItemHandle method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetLineStyle method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetLineWidth method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetLocked method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetLocked method (Main Control)
AnnGetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnGetNameOffsetX method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetNameOffsetX method (Main Control)
AnnGetNameOffsetY method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetNameOffsetY method (Main Control)
AnnGetNameOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetNameRestrict method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetNameRestrict method (Main Control)
AnnGetNodes method(Annotation Control)
AnnGetObjectFromTag method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetOffsetX method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetOffsetY method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPointCount method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPointOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPointX method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPointY method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPolyFillMode method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnGetProtractorOptions method(Annotation Control)
AnnGetROP2 method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetScalarX method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetScalarY method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnGetSecondaryMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetSecondaryMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnGetSelectCount method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetSelected method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetSelectList method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetSelectList method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnGetSelectRect method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetShowFlags method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetShowFlags method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnGetTag method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetText method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetTopContainer method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetTopContainer method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnGetTransparent method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetTransparent method (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnGetTransparentColor method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetType method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetUnit method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetUnit method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnGetUserHandle method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetUserHandles method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetVisible method (Annotation Control)
AnnGetWnd method (Annotation Control)
AnnGroup method (Annotation Control)
AnnHandle property (Annotation Control)
   AnnHandle property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnHandleID property (Annotation Control)
   AnnHandleID property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnHandleIndex property (Annotation Control)
   AnnHandleIndex property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnHitTestExt method (Annotation Control)
AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property (Annotation Control)
AnnInfoFormat property (Main Control)
AnnInfoTotalPages property (Main Control)
AnnInfoVersion property (Main Control)
AnnInsert method (Annotation Control)
AnnInsertTextTokenTable method (Annotation Control)
AnnIsFixedRect method (Annotation Control)
AnnLeftPreviousClip property (Annotation Control)
AnnLoad method (Annotation Control)
AnnLoadMemory method (Annotation Control)
AnnLock method (Annotation Control)
AnnLock method (Main Control)
AnnLocked event (Main Control)
AnnMove method (Annotation Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectHeight property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectHeight property (Main Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectLeft property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectLeft property (Main Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectTop property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectTop property (Main Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectWidth property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameBoundingRectWidth property (Main Control)
AnnNameOptions property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameRectHeight property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameRectHeight property (Main Control)
AnnNameRectLeft property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameRectLeft property (Main Control)
AnnNameRectTop property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameRectTop property (Main Control)
AnnNameRectWidth property (Annotation Control)
AnnNameRectWidth property (Main Control)
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnObjectHitHandle property (Annotation Control)
   AnnObjectHitHandle property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnOptions property (Main Control)
Annotation Automation
   AnnGetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   Annotation Automation Object
   AnnSetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
Annotation Automation Audio Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Capture Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Encrypt Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Encrypt Metafile Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Fill Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Fixed Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Hotspot Metafile Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Line Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Lock/Unlock Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Menu Strings
Annotation Automation Miscellaneous Strings
Annotation Automation Name Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Nodes Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Play Video Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Point Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Protractor Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Push pin Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation ROP2 Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Ruler Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Stamp Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Stamp Metafile Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Strings
Annotation Automation Text Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation ToolTip Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Transparent Color Dialog Strings
Annotation Automation Video Dialog Strings
Annotation control
Annotation Functions
    Object Information
Annotation objects
   AnnGetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   Obtaining Annotation Object Information
    object settings
Annotation tokens
Annotation Toolbar Buttons
AnnotationName property (TAnnNameOptions)
   AnnGetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetTopContainer method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetTransparent method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetTransparentColor method (Annotation Control)
   ANNPOINT record
   AnnRemove method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSelectRect method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetTransparent method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetTransparentColor method (Annotation Control)
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
   Creating and Using Annotations (C++Builder)
   Creating and Using Annotations (Delphi 4.0)
   Implementing Annotations
   Loading and Saving Annotation Objects From/To Databases (Delphi 4.0)
    Container Annotation Object
    Crossproduct AnnotationObject
    default properties
       Setting Defaults
       Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
       Implementing Annotation Security
       Moving the Name of an Annotation
    fill options
       Illustration of Fill Options for Annotations
       Illustration of the Polygon Fill Mode for Annotations
    Flipping annotation objects
       Annotation Menu
       Annotation Points
       Annotation Toolbar
       ANNPOINT record
       Implementing Annotation Security
       Moving the Name of an Annotation
    line styles
    multiple selections
    Point Annotation Object
    Protractor Annotation Object
       Protractor Annotation Object
       PushPin Annotation Object
    Ruler Annotation Object
    Undoing Automation Operations
    user interface
       Audio File Dialog Box for Annotations
       Capture Dialog Box for Annotations
       Color Dialog Box for Annotations
       Decrypt Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
       Encrypt Dialog Box For Annotations
       Encrypt Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
       Fill Dialog Box for Annotations
       Fixed Dialog Box for Annotations
       Font Dialog Box for Annotations
       Hotspot Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
       Line Dialog Box for Annotations
       Name Dialog Box for Annotations
       Nodes Dialog Box for Annotations
       Password Dialog Box for Annotations
       Point Dialog Box for Annotations
       Point File Dialog Box for Annotations
       Point Properties Dialog Box for Annotations
       Protractor Dialog Box for Annotations
       Push pin File Dialog Box for Annotations
       ROP2 Dialog Box for Annotations
       Ruler Dialog Box for Annotations
       Stamp Bitmap Dialog Box for Annotations
       Stamp Metafile Dialog Box For Annotations
       Text Dialog Box for Annotations
       Video File Dialog Box for Annotations
Annotations implementing
AnnPaste method (Annotation Control)
   AnnPaste method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnPasteReady property (Annotation Control)
   AnnPasteReady property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnPointOptions property (Annotation Control)
AnnPopFixedState method (Annotation Control)
AnnPositionResult property (Annotation Control)
   AnnPositionResult property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AnnPredefinedBitmap property (Annotation Control)
   AnnPredefinedBitmap property (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnPushFixedState method (Annotation Control)
AnnRealize method (Annotation Control)
AnnRectHeight property (Annotation Control)
AnnRectLeft property (Annotation Control)
AnnRectTop property (Annotation Control)
AnnRectWidth property (Annotation Control)
AnnRemove method (Annotation Control)
AnnRestrictCursor method (Annotation Control)
AnnRestrictToContainer property (Annotation Control)
AnnReverse method (Annotation Control)
   AnnReverse method (Annotation Control)
   Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects
AnnRightPreviousClip property (Annotation Control)
AnnRotate method (Annotation Control)
   AnnRotate method (Annotation Control)
   Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects
AnnRotateAngle property (Annotation Control)
AnnRTFText property (Annotation Control)
AnnRTFTextLength property (Annotation Control)
AnnRulerUnit property (Annotation Control)
   AnnRulerUnit property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnSave method (Annotation Control)
AnnSaveMemory method (Annotation Control)
AnnSaveTag method (Annotation Control)
AnnSelectPoint method (Annotation Control)
AnnSelectRect method (Annotation Control)
AnnSendToBack method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetAutoBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
AnnSetAutoDefaults method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetAutoText method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetBackColor method (Annotation Control)
   Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
AnnSetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnSetBitmapDpiX method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetBitmapDpiX method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnSetBitmapDpiY method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetBitmapDpiY method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnSetEncryptOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFillMode method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFillPattern method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontBold method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontItalic method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontName method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontSize method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontStrikeThrough method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetFontUnderline method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetForeColor method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetGaugeLength method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetGaugeLength method (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnSetGrouping method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetHyperlinkMsg method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetHyperlinkString method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetLineStyle method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetLineWidth method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnSetNameOffsetX method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetNameOffsetX method (Main Control)
AnnSetNameOffsetY method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetNameOffsetY method (Main Control)
AnnSetNameOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetNameRestrict method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetNameRestrict method (Main Control)
AnnSetNodes method(Annotation Control)
AnnSetOffsetX method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetOffsetY method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetPointOptions method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetPoints method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetPolyFillMode method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetPredefinedMetafile method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnSetProtractorOptions method(Annotation Control)
AnnSetROP2 method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetScalarX method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetScalarY method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetSecondaryBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnGetSecondaryBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   AnnSetSecondaryBitmap method (Annotation Control)
   Using Annotation Object Bitmaps
AnnSetSelected method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetShowFlags method (Annotation Control
AnnSetShowFlags method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetTag method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetText method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetTransparent method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetTransparentColor method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetUnit method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetUser method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetVisible method (Annotation Control)
AnnSetWnd method (Annotation Control)
AnnShowLockedIcon property (Annotation Control)
AnnShowLockedIcon property (Main Control)
AnnSmartUnit property (Annotation Control)
   AnnSmartUnit property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnTextAlign property (Annotation Control)
AnnTextExpandTokens property (Annotation Control)
AnnTextPointerFixed property (Annotation Control)
AnnTextRotate property (Annotation Control)
AnnTicMarkLength property (Annotation Control)
   AnnTicMarkLength property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnToken property (Annotation Control)
AnnTokenString property (Annotation Control)
AnnTokenType property (Annotation Control)
AnnTool property (Annotation Control)
AnnToolbar property (Annotation Control)
AnnTopPreviousClip property (Annotation Control)
AnnTotalDistance property (Annotation Control)
   AnnTotalDistance property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnTotalRulerUnit property (Annotation Control)
   AnnTotalRulerUnit property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnTotalSmartUnit property (Annotation Control)
   AnnTotalSmartUnit property (Annotation Control)
   Using Rulers In Annotation Objects
AnnType property (TAnnHandleInfo)
AnnUndoDepth property (Annotation Control)
AnnUndoEnable property (Annotation Control)
AnnUndomethod (Annotation Control)
AnnUngroup metod (Annotation Control)
AnnUnlock method (Annotation Control)
AnnUnlock method (Main Control)
AnnUnlocked event (Main Control)
AnnUnrealize method (Annotation Control)
AnnUserHandle property (Annotation Control)
AnnUserHandlesCount property (Annotation Control)
AnnUserMode property (Annotation Control)
   AnnUserMode property (Annotation Control)
   Displaying and Manipulating Annotation Objects
AntiAlias method (Main Control)
ApplyLinearModalityLUT method (Main Control)
ApplyLinearVOILUT method (Main Control)
ApplyMathLogic method (Main Control)
ApplyModalityLUT method (Main Control)
ApplyTransformationParameters method (Main Control)
ApplyVOILUT method (Main Control)
Artistic effects
Audio clip annotation object
Audio clip tool for annotations
AutoAnimate property (Main Control)
   AutoAnimate property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AutoAnimationLoop property (Main Control)
   AutoAnimationLoop property (Main Control)
   Playing an Animation
AutoBinary method (Main Control)
AutoCADFilesColorScheme property (Main Control)
AutoColorLevel method (Main Control)
AutoFloater property (Main Control)
AutoRepaint property (Main Control)
   AutoRepaint property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
AutoRubberBand property (Main Control)
   AutoRubberBand property (Main Control)
   Marking a Selection with a Rubberband
AutoScroll property (Main Contol)
AutoScroll property (Main Control)
   AutoScroll property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
AutoSetRects property (Main Control)
   AutoSetRects property (Main Control)
   Displaying an Image
AutoSetRects property (TAnnMenu)
AutoSize property (Main Control)
AutoTrim method (Main Control)
   AutoTrim method (Main Control)
   Examining and Altering Bitmaps
Average method (Main Control)
   Average method (Main Control)
   Removing Noise
AVI file format
   File Formats: Silicon Graphics Image Format (SGI)
   File Formats: Windows AVI Format (AVI)
AWD file format
