Introduction to LEADTOOLS ActiveX
    Installation and System Files
    Redistributables/Files to Be Included With Your Application
    LEADTOOLS ActiveX Features
       Getting Started
       Loading and Saving Images
       Displaying an Image
       Processing an Image
       Region Processing
       Annotations (Document/Medical)
          Implementing Annotations
          Annotation Files
          Annotation Menu
          Annotation Toolbar
          Changing the Annotation Automation Background Colors
          Converting Annotation Automation Dialogs to Other Languages
          Grouping and Ungrouping Annotation Objects
          Implementing Annotation Hyperlinks
          Implementing Annotation Security
          Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations
          Moving the Name of an Annotation
          Setting Defaults
          Undoing Automation Operations:
          Annotation Objects - Default Values
          Annotation Objects - Automated Features
          Annotation Tools
          Annotation Objects
             Annotation Automation Object
             Audio Clip Annotation Object
             Button Annotation Object
             Container Annotation Object
             Crossproduct Annotation Object
             Ellipse Annotation Object
             Freehand Hot Spot Annotation Object
             Freehand Line Annotation Object
             Highlight Annotation Object
             Hot Spot Annotation Object
             Line Annotation Object
             Note Annotation Object
             Point Annotation Object
             Pointer Annotation Object
             Polygon Annotation Object
             Polyline Annotation Object
             Protractor Annotation Object
             PushPin Annotation Object
             Rectangle Annotation Object
             Redaction Annotation Object
             Rubber Stamp Annotation Object
             Ruler Annotation Object
             Stamp Annotation Object
             Text Annotation Object
             Video Annotation Object
          Annotation Dialog Boxes
          Annotation Automation
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Examples and Tutorials
    Properties, Methods, and Events
    Syntax and Key Codes