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AztecBarcodeWriteOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AztecBarcodeWriteOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
AztecRune Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write Aztec Rune barcode or not.
AztecRuneValue Gets or sets a value to be encoded when writing an Aztec Rune barcode.
BackColor For information about this property please see BackColor.
ErrorCorrectionRate Gets or sets the error detection and correction ratio when writing an Aztec barcode.
ForeColor For information about this property please see ForeColor.
FriendlyName Gets the friendly name of this class.
QuietZone Gets or sets the quiet zone value when writing an Aztec barcode.
SymbolModel Gets or sets the chosen symbol size when writing an Aztec barcode.
XModule Gets or sets a value that indicates the size of the smallest module when writing an Aztec barcode.
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Leadtools.Barcode Assembly