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FourStateBarcodeReadOptions Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see FourStateBarcodeReadOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
AustralianPostCIFEncoding Gets or sets a value that indicates the table to use when decoding the Australian Post Customer Information Field (CIF).
BackColor For information about this property please see BackColor.
ForeColor For information about this property please see ForeColor.
FriendlyName Gets the friendly name of this class.
Granularity Gets or sets a value that indicate the number of scanned lines per column to skip when reading a barcode.
ReturnCheckDigit Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the error check digit is returned as part of the barcode data.
SearchDirection Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction to use when searching for barcodes.
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Leadtools.Barcode Assembly