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DicomDirKeyType Enumeration


Specifies the type of a key element.


WinRT C#
public enum DicomDirKeyType   
Public Enum DicomDirKeyType  
public enum DicomDirKeyType    
public enum DicomDirKeyType  
Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDirKeyType = function() { }; 
Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDirKeyType.prototype = {<br/> 
  Patient = 0x00000000, 
    Study = 0x00000001, 
    Series = 0x00000002, 
    Image = 0x00000003, 
    Overlay = 0x00000004, 
    ModalityLut = 0x00000005, 
    VoiLut = 0x00000006, 
    Curve = 0x00000007, 
    StoredPrint = 0x00000008, 
    RTDose = 0x00000009, 
    RTStructureSet = 0x0000000A, 
    RTPlan = 0x0000000B, 
    RTTreatRecord = 0x0000000C, 
    Topic = 0x0000000D, 
    Visit = 0x0000000E, 
    Results = 0x0000000F, 
    Interpretation = 0x00000010, 
    StudyComponent = 0x00000011, 
    Presentation = 0x00000012, 
    Waveform = 0x00000013, 
    SRDocument = 0x00000014, 
    Private = 0x00000015, 
    KeyObjectDoc = 0x00000016, 
    Spectroscopy = 0x00000017, 
    RawData = 0x00000018, 
    Registration = 0x00000019, 
    Fiducial = 0x0000001A, 
    HangingProtocol = 0x0000001B, 
    EncapDoc = 0x0000001C, 
    HL7StrucDoc = 0x0000001D, 
    ValueMap = 0x0000001E, 
    Stereometric = 0x0000001F, 
    Unknown = 0x00000020, 
public enum class DicomDirKeyType   


0Patient Patient key element.
1Study Study key element.
2Series Series key element.
3Image Image key element.
4Overlay Overlay key element.
5ModalityLut Modality-LUT key element.
6VoiLut VOI-LUT key element.
7Curve Curve key element.
8StoredPrint Stored print key element.
9RTDose RT dose key element.
10RTStructureSet RT structure set key element.
11RTPlan RT plan key element.
12RTTreatRecord RT treatment record key element.
13Topic Topic key element.
14Visit Visit key element.
15Results Results key element.
16Interpretation Interpretation key element.
17StudyComponent Study Component key element.
18Presentation Presentation key element.
19Waveform Waveform key element.
20SRDocument Structured Reporting Document key element.
21Private Private key element.
22KeyObjectDoc Key Object Document key element.
23Spectroscopy Spectroscopy key element.
24RawData Raw Data key element.
25Registration Registration key element;.
26Fiducial Fiducial key element.
27HangingProtocol Hanging Protocol key element.
28EncapDoc Encapsulated Document key element.
29HL7StrucDoc HL7 Structured Document key element.
30ValueMap Real World Value Mapping key element.
31Stereometric Stereometric Relationship key element.
32Unknown Unknown.

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