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DVDTitle Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DVDTitle.

Public Methods

Name Description
GetAudioStream Gets a specific audio stream.
GetChapter Gets the specified DVD chapter from the title.
GetSubpictureStream Gets a specific DVDSubpictureStream object from the title.

Public Properties

Name Description
AspectX Gets the X aspect value for the frame for the video stream.
AspectY Gets the Y aspect value for the frame for the video stream.
AudioStreamCount Gets the number of audio streams that are available in the title.
ChapterCount Gets the number of chapters in the title.
Compression Gets the compression type that is used in the current title.
FrameHeight Gets the frame height value in lines (525 for a frame rate of 60 Hz or 625 for 50 Hz).
FrameRate Gets the frame rate value in hertz (Hz).
IsFilmMode Gets a value that indicates whether the title mode is film or camera in 625/50 Hz systems.
IsSourceLetterboxed Gets a value that indicates whether the source video is in letterbox format or not.
LetterboxPermitted Gets a value that indicates whether the picture can be shown as letterbox if the display aspect ratio is 4x3.
Line21Field1InGOP Gets a value that indicates whether there is user data in line 21, field 1.
Line21Field2InGOP Gets a value that indicates whether there is user data in line 21, field 2.
PanscanPermitted Gets a value that indicates whether the picture can be shown as pan-scan if the display aspect ratio is 4x3.
Selected Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the title is selected.
SelectedAudioStream Gets or sets the index of the selected audio stream.
SelectedDuration Gets the duration for only the selected chapters in the title, in seconds.
SelectedSubpictureStream Gets or sets the index of the selected Subpicture stream.
SourceResolutionX Gets the x-axis resolution of the source video.
SourceResolutionY Gets the y-axis resolution of the source video.
SubpictureStreamCount Gets the number of Subpicture streams in the title.
TotalDuration Gets the total duration for the title in seconds.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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