AddPatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow |
Adds a new PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow |
Adds a new PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddPerformedSeriesSequenceRow |
Adds a new PerformedSeriesSequenceRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddPPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow |
Adds a new PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddPPSInformationRow |
Adds a PPSInformationRow object to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddPPSRelationshipRow |
Adds a PPSRelationshipRow object to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddProcedureCodeSequenceRow |
Adds a ProcedureCodeSequenceRow object to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddReferencedImageSequenceRow |
Adds a new ReferencedImageSequenceRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
AddReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow |
Adds a new ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
Clone |
Copies the structure of the MPPSDataset, including all DataTable schemas, relations, and constraints. Does not copy any data. |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable, including all PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable, including all PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable, including all PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable, including all PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PPSInformationDataTable, including all PPSInformationDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the PPSRelationshipDataTable, including all PPSRelationshipDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable, including all ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable, including all ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
Clone |
Clones the structure of the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable, including all ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable schemas and constraints |
FindByItmeOrderNumberMPPSSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a PPSRelationshipRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the Itme Order Number and MPPS SOP Instance UID value. |
FindByMPPSSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the MPPS SOP Instance UID value. |
FindByMPPSSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a PPSInformationRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the MPPS SOP Instance UID value. |
FindByMPPSSOPInstanceUIDCodeValueCodingSchemeDesignator |
Finds a PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the MPPS SOP Instance UID and Code Value and Coding Scheme Designator value. |
FindByMPPSSOPInstanceUIDCodeValueCodingSchemeDesignator |
Finds a PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the MPPS SOP Instance UID and Code Value and Coding Scheme Designator value. |
FindByMPPSSOPInstanceUIDCodeValueCodingSchemeDesignator |
Finds a ProcedureCodeSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the MPPS SOP Instance UID and Code Value and Coding Scheme Designator value. |
FindBySeriesInstanceUIDMPPSSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a PerformedSeriesSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the Series Instance UID and MPPS SOP Instance UID value. |
FindBySeriesInstanceUIDMPPSSOPInstanceUIDReferencedSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a ReferencedImageSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the Series Instance UID and MPPS SOP Instance UID and Referenced SOP Instance UID value. |
FindBySeriesInstanceUIDMPPSSOPInstanceUIDReferencedSOPInstanceUID |
Finds a ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection by the Series Instance UID and MPPS SOP Instance UID and Referenced SOP Instance UID value. |
GetPatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRows |
Returns the child PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPerformedSeriesSequenceRows |
Returns the child PerformedSeriesSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetPPSRelationshipRows |
Returns the child PPSRelationshipRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetProcedureCodeSequenceRows |
Returns the child ProcedureCodeSequenceRow for this PPSInformationRow. |
GetReferencedImageSequenceRows |
Returns the child ReferencedImageSequenceRow for this PerformedSeriesSequenceRow. |
GetReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRows |
Returns the child ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow for this PerformedSeriesSequenceRow. |
GetTypedDataSetSchema |
This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PPSInformationDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the PPSRelationshipDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable. |
GetTypedTableSchema |
Returns the System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType for the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable. |
IsCodeMeaningNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn contains a null value. |
IsCodeMeaningNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn contains a null value. |
IsCodeMeaningNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn contains a null value. |
IsCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn contains a null value. |
IsCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn contains a null value. |
IsCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn contains a null value. |
IsCommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.CommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepColumn contains a null value. |
IsIssuerofPatientIDNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.IssuerofPatientIDColumn contains a null value. |
IsOperatorNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.OperatorNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsOrderNumberNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientBirthDateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientIDNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientIDColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientSexNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientSexColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedLocationNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedLocationColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepEndDateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndDateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureStepEndTimeNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndTimeColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformedStationNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedStationNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsPerformingPhysicianNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.PerformingPhysicianNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsRetrieveAETitleNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn contains a null value. |
IsScheduledProcedureStepIDNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSRelationshipDataTable.ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn contains a null value. |
IsSeriesDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.SeriesDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsStudyIDNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PPSInformationDataTable.StudyIDColumn contains a null value. |
NewPatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow |
Creates an empty PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow |
Creates an empty PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewPerformedSeriesSequenceRow |
Creates an empty PerformedSeriesSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewPPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow |
Creates an empty PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewPPSInformationRow |
Creates an empty PPSInformationRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewPPSRelationshipRow |
Creates an empty PPSRelationshipRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewProcedureCodeSequenceRow |
Creates an empty ProcedureCodeSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewReferencedImageSequenceRow |
Creates an empty ReferencedImageSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
NewReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow |
Creates an empty ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow without adding it to the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRowChanged, PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRowChanging, PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRowDeleting, and PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRowDeleted events of a PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable. |
PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanged, PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanging, PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleted events of a PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable. |
PerformedSeriesSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PerformedSeriesSequenceRowChanged, PerformedSeriesSequenceRowChanging, PerformedSeriesSequenceRowDeleting, and PerformedSeriesSequenceRowDeleted events of a PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable. |
PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRowChanged, PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRowChanging, PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRowDeleted events of a PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable. |
PPSInformationRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PPSInformationRowChanged, PPSInformationRowChanging, PPSInformationRowDeleting, and PPSInformationRowDeleted events of a PPSInformationDataTable. |
PPSRelationshipRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the PPSRelationshipRowChanged, PPSRelationshipRowChanging, PPSRelationshipRowDeleting, and PPSRelationshipRowDeleted events of a PPSRelationshipDataTable. |
ProcedureCodeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the ProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanged, ProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanging, ProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and ProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleted events of a ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable. |
ReferencedImageSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the ReferencedImageSequenceRowChanged, ReferencedImageSequenceRowChanging, ReferencedImageSequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedImageSequenceRowDeleted events of a ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable. |
ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRowChangeEventHandler |
Represents the method that will handle the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRowChanged, ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRowChanging, ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRowDeleted events of a ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable. |
RemovePatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow |
Removes a PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemovePerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow |
Removes a PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemovePerformedSeriesSequenceRow |
Removes a PerformedSeriesSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemovePPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow |
Removes a PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemovePPSInformationRow |
Removes a PPSInformationRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemovePPSRelationshipRow |
Removes a PPSRelationshipRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemoveProcedureCodeSequenceRow |
Removes a ProcedureCodeSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemoveReferencedImageSequenceRow |
Removes a ReferencedImageSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
RemoveReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow |
Removes a ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceRow from the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection. |
SetCodeMeaningNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn to a null value. |
SetCodeMeaningNull |
Sets the value of the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn to a null value. |
SetCodeMeaningNull |
Sets the value of the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.CodeMeaningColumn to a null value. |
SetCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn to a null value. |
SetCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Sets the value of the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn to a null value. |
SetCodingSchemeVersionNull |
Sets the value of the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.CodingSchemeVersionColumn to a null value. |
SetCommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.CommentsonthePerformedProcedureStepColumn to a null value. |
SetIssuerofPatientIDNull |
Sets the value of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.IssuerofPatientIDColumn to a null value. |
SetOperatorNameNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.OperatorNameColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the PPSDiscontinuationReasonCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the ProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the ReferencedImageSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetOrderNumberNull |
Sets the value of the ReferencedNonImageCompositeSequenceDataTable.OrderNumberColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientBirthDateNull |
Sets the value of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientIDNull |
Sets the value of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientIDColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNameNull |
Sets the value of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientNameColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientSexNull |
Sets the value of the PatientInfoforUnscheduledPPSDataTable.PatientSexColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedLocationNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedLocationColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepEndDateNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndDateColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureStepEndTimeNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureStepEndTimeColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedProcedureTypeDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformedStationNameNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.PerformedStationNameColumn to a null value. |
SetPerformingPhysicianNameNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.PerformingPhysicianNameColumn to a null value. |
SetRetrieveAETitleNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.RetrieveAETitleColumn to a null value. |
SetScheduledProcedureStepIDNull |
Sets the value of the PPSRelationshipDataTable.ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn to a null value. |
SetSeriesDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PerformedSeriesSequenceDataTable.SeriesDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetStudyIDNull |
Sets the value of the PPSInformationDataTable.StudyIDColumn to a null value. |