GetContrastAllergiesRows |
Returns the child ContrastAllergiesRow for this PatientRow. |
GetImagingServiceRequestRows |
Returns the child ImagingServiceRequestRow for this PatientRow. |
GetMedicalAlertsRows |
Returns the child MedicalAlertsRow for this PatientRow. |
GetOtherPatientIDsRows |
Returns the child OtherPatientIDsRow for this PatientRow. |
IsAdditionalPatientHistoryNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn contains a null value. |
IsConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn contains a null value. |
IsEthnicGroupNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn contains a null value. |
IsLastMenstrualDateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientBirthDateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientCommentsNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNameFamilyNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNameGivenNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNameMiddleNameNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNamePrefixNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientNameSuffixNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientSexNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientStateNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn contains a null value. |
IsPatientWeightNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn contains a null value. |
IsPregnancyStatusNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn contains a null value. |
IsSpecialNeedsNull |
Gets a value that indicates whether the PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn contains a null value. |
SetAdditionalPatientHistoryNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn to a null value. |
SetConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn to a null value. |
SetEthnicGroupNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn to a null value. |
SetLastMenstrualDateNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientBirthDateNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientCommentsNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNameFamilyNameNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNameGivenNameNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNameMiddleNameNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNamePrefixNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientNameSuffixNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientSexNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientStateNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn to a null value. |
SetPatientWeightNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn to a null value. |
SetPregnancyStatusNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn to a null value. |
SetSpecialNeedsNull |
Sets the value of the PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn to a null value. |