ContrastAllergiesRowChanged |
Occurs after a ContrastAllergiesRow has been changed successfully. |
ContrastAllergiesRowChanging |
Occurs when a ContrastAllergiesRow is changing. |
ContrastAllergiesRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ContrastAllergiesRow in the table has been deleted. |
ContrastAllergiesRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ContrastAllergiesRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ImagingServiceRequestRowChanged |
Occurs after a ImagingServiceRequestRow has been changed successfully. |
ImagingServiceRequestRowChanging |
Occurs when a ImagingServiceRequestRow is changing. |
ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ImagingServiceRequestRow in the table has been deleted. |
ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ImagingServiceRequestRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
MedicalAlertsRowChanged |
Occurs after a MedicalAlertsRow has been changed successfully. |
MedicalAlertsRowChanging |
Occurs when a MedicalAlertsRow is changing. |
MedicalAlertsRowDeleted |
Occurs after a MedicalAlertsRow in the table has been deleted. |
MedicalAlertsRowDeleting |
Occurs before a MedicalAlertsRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanged |
Occurs after a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow has been changed successfully. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanging |
Occurs when a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow is changing. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleted |
Occurs after a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow in the table has been deleted. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleting |
Occurs before a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
OtherPatientIDsRowChanged |
Occurs after a OtherPatientIDsRow has been changed successfully. |
OtherPatientIDsRowChanging |
Occurs when a OtherPatientIDsRow is changing. |
OtherPatientIDsRowDeleted |
Occurs after a OtherPatientIDsRow in the table has been deleted. |
OtherPatientIDsRowDeleting |
Occurs before a OtherPatientIDsRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
PatientRowChanged |
Occurs after a PatientRow has been changed successfully. |
PatientRowChanging |
Occurs when a PatientRow is changing. |
PatientRowDeleted |
Occurs after a PatientRow in the table has been deleted. |
PatientRowDeleting |
Occurs before a PatientRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanged |
Occurs after a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow has been changed successfully. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanging |
Occurs when a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow is changing. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow in the table has been deleted. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanged |
Occurs after a ReferencedStudySequenceRow has been changed successfully. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanging |
Occurs when a ReferencedStudySequenceRow is changing. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ReferencedStudySequenceRow in the table has been deleted. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ReferencedStudySequenceRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanged |
Occurs after a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow has been changed successfully. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanging |
Occurs when a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow is changing. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleted |
Occurs after a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow in the table has been deleted. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleting |
Occurs before a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
RequestedProcedureRowChanged |
Occurs after a RequestedProcedureRow has been changed successfully. |
RequestedProcedureRowChanging |
Occurs when a RequestedProcedureRow is changing. |
RequestedProcedureRowDeleted |
Occurs after a RequestedProcedureRow in the table has been deleted. |
RequestedProcedureRowDeleting |
Occurs before a RequestedProcedureRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanged |
Occurs after a ScheduledProcedureStepRow has been changed successfully. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanging |
Occurs when a ScheduledProcedureStepRow is changing. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ScheduledProcedureStepRow in the table has been deleted. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ScheduledProcedureStepRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanged |
Occurs after a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow has been changed successfully. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanging |
Occurs when a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow is changing. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow in the table has been deleted. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanged |
Occurs after a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow has been changed successfully. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanging |
Occurs when a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow is changing. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow in the table has been deleted. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
ScheduledStationNamesRowChanged |
Occurs after a ScheduledStationNamesRow has been changed successfully. |
ScheduledStationNamesRowChanging |
Occurs when a ScheduledStationNamesRow is changing. |
ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleted |
Occurs after a ScheduledStationNamesRow in the table has been deleted. |
ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleting |
Occurs before a ScheduledStationNamesRow in the table is about to be deleted. |
VisitRowChanged |
Occurs after a VisitRow has been changed successfully. |
VisitRowChanging |
Occurs when a VisitRow is changing. |
VisitRowDeleted |
Occurs after a VisitRow in the table has been deleted. |
VisitRowDeleting |
Occurs before a VisitRow in the table is about to be deleted. |