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MWLDataset Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see MWLDataset members

Public Properties

Name Description
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumber Gets or sets the Accession Number.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
AccessionNumberColumn Gets the Accession Number Column.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ContrastAllergiesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ImagingServiceRequestRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a MedicalAlertsRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a OtherPatientIDsRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a PatientRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ReferencedStudySequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a RequestedProcedureRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ScheduledProcedureStepRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a ScheduledStationNamesRow.
Action Gets the action that has occurred on a VisitRow.
AdditionalPatientHistory Gets or sets the Additional Patient History.
AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn Gets the Additional Patient History Column.
AdmissionID Gets or sets the Admission ID.
AdmissionID Gets or sets the Admission ID.
AdmissionID Gets or sets the Admission ID.
AdmissionIDColumn Gets the Admission ID Column.
AdmissionIDColumn Gets the Admission ID Column.
AdmissionIDColumn Gets the Admission ID Column.
AutoNumber Gets or sets the Auto Number.
AutoNumberColumn Gets the Auto Number Column.
CodeMeaning Gets or sets the Code Meaning.
CodeMeaning Gets or sets the Code Meaning.
CodeMeaningColumn Gets the Code Meaning Column.
CodeMeaningColumn Gets the Code Meaning Column.
CodeValue Gets or sets the Code Value.
CodeValue Gets or sets the Code Value.
CodeValueColumn Gets the Code Value Column.
CodeValueColumn Gets the Code Value Column.
CodingSchemeDesignator Gets or sets the Coding Scheme Designator.
CodingSchemeDesignator Gets or sets the Coding Scheme Designator.
CodingSchemeDesignatorColumn Gets the Coding Scheme Designator Column.
CodingSchemeDesignatorColumn Gets the Coding Scheme Designator Column.
CodingSchemeVersion Gets or sets the Coding Scheme Version.
CodingSchemeVersion Gets or sets the Coding Scheme Version.
CodingSchemeVersionColumn Gets the Coding Scheme Version Column.
CodingSchemeVersionColumn Gets the Coding Scheme Version Column.
ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescription Gets or sets the Confidentiality Constrainton Patient Data Description.
ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn Gets the Confidentiality Constrainton Patient Data Description Column.
ContrastAllergies Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Contrast Allergies' table.
ContrastAllergy Gets or sets the Contrast Allergy.
ContrastAllergyColumn Gets the Contrast Allergy Column.
Count Gets the total number of ContrastAllergiesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ImagingServiceRequestRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of MedicalAlertsRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of OtherPatientIDsRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of PatientRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedPatientSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ReferencedStudySequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of RequestedProcedureRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ScheduledProcedureStepRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ScheduledStationAETitlesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of ScheduledStationNamesRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
Count Gets the total number of VisitRow objects in the System.Data.DataTable.Rows collection.
CurrentPatientLocation Gets or sets the Current Patient Location.
CurrentPatientLocationColumn Gets the Current Patient Location Column.
EthnicGroup Gets or sets the Ethnic Group.
EthnicGroupColumn Gets the Ethnic Group Column.
FamilyNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResults Gets or sets the Family Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results.
FamilyNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResultsColumn Gets the Family Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results Column.
FillerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequest Gets or sets the Filler Order Number Imaging Service Request.
FillerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequestColumn Gets the Filler Order Number Imaging Service Request Column.
GivenNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResults Gets or sets the Given Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results.
GivenNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResultsColumn Gets the Given Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results Column.
ImagingServiceRequest Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Imaging Service Request' table.
ImagingServiceRequestComments Gets or sets the Imaging Service Request Comments.
ImagingServiceRequestCommentsColumn Gets the Imaging Service Request Comments Column.
ImagingServiceRequestRow Gets or sets the parent ImagingServiceRequestRow for this RequestedProcedureRow
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientID Gets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
IssuerOfPatientIDColumn Gets the Issuer Of Patient ID Column.
Item Gets the ContrastAllergiesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ImagingServiceRequestRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the MedicalAlertsRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the OtherPatientIDsRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the PatientRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedPatientSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ReferencedStudySequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the RequestedProcedureRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ScheduledProcedureStepRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ScheduledStationAETitlesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the ScheduledStationNamesRow at the specified index.
Item Gets the VisitRow at the specified index.
LastMenstrualDate Gets or sets the Last Menstrual Date.
LastMenstrualDateColumn Gets the Last Menstrual Date Column.
MedicalAlert Gets or sets the Medical Alert.
MedicalAlertColumn Gets the Medical Alert Column.
MedicalAlerts Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Medical Alerts' table.
MiddleNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResults Gets or sets the Middle Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results.
MiddleNameOfIntendedRecipientOfResultsColumn Gets the Middle Name Of Intended Recipient Of Results Column.
Modality Gets or sets the Modality.
ModalityColumn Gets the Modality Column.
NamePrefixOfIntendedRecipientOfResults Gets or sets the Name Prefix Of Intended Recipient Of Results.
NamePrefixOfIntendedRecipientOfResultsColumn Gets the Name Prefix Of Intended Recipient Of Results Column.
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResults Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results' table.
NameSuffixOfIntendedRecipientOfResults Gets or sets the Name Suffix Of Intended Recipient Of Results.
NameSuffixOfIntendedRecipientOfResultsColumn Gets the Name Suffix Of Intended Recipient Of Results Column.
OrderNumber Gets or sets the Order Number.
OrderNumber Gets or sets the Order Number.
OrderNumberColumn Gets the Order Number Column.
OrderNumberColumn Gets the Order Number Column.
OtherPatientID Gets or sets the Other Patient ID.
OtherPatientIDColumn Gets the Other Patient ID Column.
OtherPatientIDs Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Other Patient IDs' table.
Patient Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Patient' table.
PatientBirthDate Gets or sets the Patient Birth Date.
PatientBirthDateColumn Gets the Patient Birth Date Column.
PatientComments Gets or sets the Patient Comments.
PatientCommentsColumn Gets the Patient Comments Column.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientID Gets or sets the Patient ID.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientIDColumn Gets the Patient ID Column.
PatientNameFamilyName Gets or sets the Patient Name Family Name.
PatientNameFamilyNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Family Name Column.
PatientNameGivenName Gets or sets the Patient Name Given Name.
PatientNameGivenNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Given Name Column.
PatientNameMiddleName Gets or sets the Patient Name Middle Name.
PatientNameMiddleNameColumn Gets the Patient Name Middle Name Column.
PatientNamePrefix Gets or sets the Patient Name Prefix.
PatientNamePrefixColumn Gets the Patient Name Prefix Column.
PatientNameSuffix Gets or sets the Patient Name Suffix.
PatientNameSuffixColumn Gets the Patient Name Suffix Column.
PatientRowParent Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this ContrastAllergiesRow
PatientRowParent Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this ImagingServiceRequestRow
PatientRowParent Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this MedicalAlertsRow
PatientRowParent Gets or sets the parent PatientRow for this OtherPatientIDsRow
PatientSex Gets or sets the Patient Sex.
PatientSexColumn Gets the Patient Sex Column.
PatientState Gets or sets the Patient State.
PatientStateColumn Gets the Patient State Column.
PatientTransportArrangements Gets or sets the Patient Transport Arrangements.
PatientTransportArrangementsColumn Gets the Patient Transport Arrangements Column.
PatientWeight Gets or sets the Patient Weight.
PatientWeightColumn Gets the Patient Weight Column.
PlacerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequest Gets or sets the Placer Order Number Imaging Service Request.
PlacerOrderNumber_ImagingServiceRequestColumn Gets the Placer Order Number Imaging Service Request Column.
Pre_Medication Gets or sets the Pre Medication.
Pre_MedicationColumn Gets the Pre Medication Column.
PregnancyStatus Gets or sets the Pregnancy Status.
PregnancyStatusColumn Gets the Pregnancy Status Column.
ReferencedPatientSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Patient Sequence' table.
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Class UID.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPClassUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Class UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the Referenced SOP Instance UID.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Referenced SOP Instance UID Column.
ReferencedStudySequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Referenced Study Sequence' table.
ReferringPhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Family Name.
ReferringPhysicianFamilyNameColumn Gets the Referring Physician Family Name Column.
ReferringPhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Given Name.
ReferringPhysicianGivenNameColumn Gets the Referring Physician Given Name Column.
ReferringPhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Referring Physician Middle Name.
ReferringPhysicianMiddleNameColumn Gets the Referring Physician Middle Name Column.
ReferringPhysicianPrefix Gets or sets the Referring Physician Prefix.
ReferringPhysicianPrefixColumn Gets the Referring Physician Prefix Column.
ReferringPhysicianSuffix Gets or sets the Referring Physician Suffix.
ReferringPhysicianSuffixColumn Gets the Referring Physician Suffix Column.
Relations Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.
RequestedContrastAgent Gets or sets the Requested Contrast Agent.
RequestedContrastAgentColumn Gets the Requested Contrast Agent Column.
RequestedProcedure Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure' table.
RequestedProcedureCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Requested Procedure Code Sequence' table.
RequestedProcedureComments Gets or sets the Requested Procedure Comments.
RequestedProcedureCommentsColumn Gets the Requested Procedure Comments Column.
RequestedProcedureDescription Gets or sets the Requested Procedure Description.
RequestedProcedureDescriptionColumn Gets the Requested Procedure Description Column.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureID Gets or sets the Requested Procedure ID.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RequestedProcedureIDColumn Gets the Requested Procedure ID Column.
RequestedProcedurePriority Gets or sets the Requested Procedure Priority.
RequestedProcedurePriorityColumn Gets the Requested Procedure Priority Column.
RequestedProcedureRowParent Gets or sets the parent RequestedProcedureRow for this NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow
RequestedProcedureRowParent Gets or sets the parent RequestedProcedureRow for this ReferencedStudySequenceRow
RequestedProcedureRowParent Gets or sets the parent RequestedProcedureRow for this RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow
RequestedProcedureRowParent Gets or sets the parent RequestedProcedureRow for this ScheduledProcedureStepRow
RequestingPhysicianFamilyName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Family Name.
RequestingPhysicianFamilyNameColumn Gets the Requesting Physician Family Name Column.
RequestingPhysicianGivenName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Given Name.
RequestingPhysicianGivenNameColumn Gets the Requesting Physician Given Name Column.
RequestingPhysicianMiddleName Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Middle Name.
RequestingPhysicianMiddleNameColumn Gets the Requesting Physician Middle Name Column.
RequestingPhysicianPrefix Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Prefix.
RequestingPhysicianPrefixColumn Gets the Requesting Physician Prefix Column.
RequestingPhysicianSuffix Gets or sets the Requesting Physician Suffix.
RequestingPhysicianSuffixColumn Gets the Requesting Physician Suffix Column.
RequestingService Gets or sets the Requesting Service.
RequestingServiceColumn Gets the Requesting Service Column.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
Row Gets the row upon which an action has occurred.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameFamilyName Gets or sets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Family Name.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameFamilyNameColumn Gets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Family Name Column.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameGivenName Gets or sets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Given Name.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameGivenNameColumn Gets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Given Name Column.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameMiddleName Gets or sets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Middle Name.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameMiddleNameColumn Gets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Middle Name Column.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNamePrefix Gets or sets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Prefix.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNamePrefixColumn Gets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Prefix Column.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameSuffix Gets or sets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Suffix.
ScheduledPerformingPhysicianNameSuffixColumn Gets the Scheduled Performing Physician Name Suffix Column.
ScheduledProcedureStep Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Procedure Step' table.
ScheduledProcedureStepDescription Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step Description.
ScheduledProcedureStepDescriptionColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step Description Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepID Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID.
ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepIDColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step ID Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepLocation Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step Location.
ScheduledProcedureStepLocationColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step Location Column.
ScheduledProcedureStepRow Gets or sets the parent ScheduledProcedureStepRow for this ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow
ScheduledProcedureStepRow Gets or sets the parent ScheduledProcedureStepRow for this ScheduledStationAETitlesRow
ScheduledProcedureStepRow Gets or sets the parent ScheduledProcedureStepRow for this ScheduledStationNamesRow
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate_Time Gets or sets the Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date Time.
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate_TimeColumn Gets the Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date Time Column.
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence' table.
ScheduledStationAETitle Gets or sets the Scheduled Station AE Title.
ScheduledStationAETitleColumn Gets the Scheduled Station AE Title Column.
ScheduledStationAETitles Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station AE Titles' table.
ScheduledStationName Gets or sets the Scheduled Station Name.
ScheduledStationNameColumn Gets the Scheduled Station Name Column.
ScheduledStationNames Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Scheduled Station Names' table.
SchemaSerializationMode Gets or sets a SchemaSerializationMode for this MWLDataset.
SpecialNeeds Gets or sets the Special Needs.
SpecialNeedsColumn Gets the Special Needs Column.
StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the Study Instance UID.
StudyInstanceUIDColumn Gets the Study Instance UID Column.
Tables Gets the collection of tables contained in the MWLDataset.
Visit Gets a strongly typed System.Data.DataTable for the physical 'Visit' table.
VisitRow Gets or sets the parent VisitRow for this ReferencedPatientSequenceRow
VisitRow Gets or sets the parent VisitRow for this RequestedProcedureRow
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer Assembly