
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LImageViewer::GetCellPosition (nCellIndex, puRow, puCol, uFlags);

L_INT nCellIndex;

index of a cell

L_UINT * puRow;

pointer to a variable to be updated

L_UINT * puCol;

pointer to a variable to be updated

L_UINT uFlags;

reserved for future use

Retrieves the column and row number for the cell with the specified index.




A zero-based index of the cell for which to get the position.


Pointer to a variable to be updated with the vertical position (row) of the specified cell. Row numbering starts with 1.


Pointer to a variable to be updated with the horizontal position (column) of the specified cell. Column numbering starts with 1.


Reserved for future use. Pass 0.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. To get extended error information, call GetLastError, and refer to Return Codes.


The row and column numbers obtained by this function are relative to the first cell in the container.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LImageViewer::Create, LImageViewer::RemoveCell, LImageViewer::InsertCell, LImageViewer::GetCellCount, LImageViewer::GetCellWindowHandle, LImageViewerCell::SetCellBitmapList, LImageViewerCell::SetCellTag, LImageViewerCell::SetCellProperties, LImageViewerCell::GetCellProperties, LImageViewer::RepositionCell, LImageViewerCell::GetCellBitmapList, LImageViewer::GetCellBounds, LImageViewerCell::FreezeCell, LImageViewerCell::SelectCell, LImageViewerCell::IsCellSelected, LImageViewerCell::IsCellFrozen, Class Members


Image Viewer Cells


Window Control/Image Viewer Functions: Image Viewer Cells


This function scrolls down or up in order to make the cell become visible.

L_INT LImageViewer_GetCellPositionExample(LImageViewer& ImageViewer) 
   L_INT    nCellIndex = 0 ; 
   L_INT    nCount; 
   L_UINT   uRow; 
   L_UINT   uCol; 
   L_UINT   nRet; 
   // Get Cells Count 
   nCount = ImageViewer.GetCellCount(0); 
   if ((nCellIndex < 0) || (nCellIndex >= nCount)) 
      return FAILURE; 
   // get the row count of the container 
   DispContainerProp.uStructSize = sizeof(DISPCONTAINERPROPERTIES); 
   DispContainerProp.uMask = DCPF_NUMROWS; 
   nRet = ImageViewer.GetProperties(&DispContainerProp, 0); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   // get the row and the col position 
   nRet = ImageViewer.GetCellPosition(nCellIndex, &uRow, &uCol, 0); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   nRet = ImageViewer.SetFirstVisibleRow(max(0, ((L_INT)uRow - (L_INT)DispContainerProp.uNumRows + 1)), 0); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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