
#include "ltmf.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT IltmfConvert_GetPreferredMediaSourceHandler(pConvert, MediaSourceHandlerType, pVal)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT GetPreferredMediaSourceHandler(MediaSourceHandlerType, pVal)

IltmfConvert *pConvert;

pointer to an interface

long MediaSourceHandlerType

value of a media source handler type

BSTR *pVal;

pointer to a string

Retrieves the preferred media source handler's GUID set using IltmfConvert::SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler.




Pointer to an IltmfConvert interface.


Value that indicates the media source handler type. For a list of possible values, refer to ltmfConvert_PreferredMediaSourceHandler Constants.


Pointer to a string to be updated with the media source handler's GUID. For a list of possible values, refer to ltmfMediaSourceHandler Constants.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the MediaFoundation documentation.


This method can be used to determine whether a preferred media source handler has been set by IltmfConvert::SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler. It will return NULL (if no preferred filter has been set) or a GUID indicating the preferred media source handler.

This GUID uniquely identifies the media source handler. Every media format has a registered media source handler(s) who are responsible of creating a media source for this media type.

For example, the GUID for the LEAD MPEG2 Transport Media Source Handler is:


If the method succeeds, the caller must free the returned string by calling the SysFreeString function.

A list of display names for common LEAD filters can be found in ltmfMediaSourceHandler Constants.

Please see IltmfConvert::SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler for more information on media source handler GUID.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64

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