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AnnCodecs Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnCodecs.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnCodecs Initializes a new instance of an AnnCodecs object.

Public Methods

Name Description
GetInfo Gets information about the specified annotation file.
GetInfoAsync Gets information about the specified annotation file.
GetInfoFromString Gets information about the specified annotation xml data.
Load Loads an annotation container from the specified file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15).
LoadAll Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page annotation file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15).
LoadAllAsync Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page storage file.
LoadAllFromString Loads an array of annotation containers from the specified xml data.
LoadAsync Loads an annotation container from the specified storage file.
LoadFromString Loads an annotation container from the specified xml data.
Save Saves an annotation container to a file.
SaveAll Saves an array of annotation containers to a file.
SaveAllAsync Saves an array of annotation containers to a storage file data.
SaveAllToString Saves an array of annotation containers to a string.
SaveAsync Saves an annotation container to a storage file data.
SaveLayer Saves an annotation layer to a file.
SaveLayerAsync Saves an annotation layer to a storage file data.
SaveLayerToString Saves an annotation layer to a string.
SaveToString Saves an annotation container to a string.
SaveToTag Saves the annotation objects in a container to a TIFF tag.

Public Properties

Name Description
DeserializeOptions Gets or sets the options to use when loading annotation objects.
LoadSourceResolution Gets or sets the source resolution to use when loading annotation containers.
LoadTargetResolution Gets or sets the target resolution to use when loading annotation containers.
LoadUseDpi Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to use the target resolution during load.
SerializeOptions Gets or sets the options to use when saving annotation objects.
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Leadtools.Annotations.Core Assembly
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