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AnnRubberStampType Enumeration


Represents the types of rubber stamps available for the AnnRubberStampObject annotation object.


WinRT C#
public enum AnnRubberStampType
Public Enum AnnRubberStampType
public enum AnnRubberStampType
typedef enum LTAnnRubberStampType
public enum AnnRubberStampType
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRubberStampType = function() { }; 
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRubberStampType.prototype = { 
  StampApproved = 0x00000000, 
    StampAssigned = 0x00000001, 
    StampChecked = 0x00000002, 
    StampClient = 0x00000003, 
    StampCopy = 0x00000004, 
    StampDraft = 0x00000005, 
    StampExtended = 0x00000006, 
    StampFax = 0x00000007, 
    StampFaxed = 0x00000008, 
    StampImportant = 0x00000009, 
    StampInvoice = 0x0000000A, 
    StampNotice = 0x0000000B, 
    StampOfficial = 0x0000000C, 
    StampOnFile = 0x0000000D, 
    StampPaid = 0x0000000E, 
    StampPassed = 0x0000000F, 
    StampPending = 0x00000010, 
    StampProcessed = 0x00000011, 
    StampReceived = 0x00000012, 
    StampRejected = 0x00000013, 
    StampRelease = 0x00000014, 
    StampSent = 0x00000015, 
    StampShipped = 0x00000016, 
    StampTopSecret = 0x00000017, 
    StampUrgent = 0x00000018, 
    StampVoid = 0x00000019, 


0StampApproved The text "Approved".
1StampAssigned The text "Assigned".
2StampChecked The text "Checked".
3StampClient The text "Client Attorney Privilege".
4StampCopy The text "Copy".
5StampDraft The text "Draft".
6StampExtended The text "Extended".
7StampFax The text "Fax".
8StampFaxed The text "Faxed".
9StampImportant The text "Important".
10StampInvoice The text "Invoice".
11StampNotice The text "Notice".
12StampOfficial The text "Official".
13StampOnFile The text "OnFile".
14StampPaid The text "Paid".
15StampPassed The text "Passed".
16StampPending The text "Pending".
17StampProcessed The text "Processed".
18StampReceived The text "Received".
19StampRejected The text "Rejected".
20StampRelease The text "Release".
21StampSent The text "Sent".
22StampShipped The text "Shipped".
23StampTopSecret The text "TopSecret".
24StampUrgent The text "Urgent".
25StampVoid The text "Void".

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