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IAnnAutomationControl Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IAnnAutomationControl members

Public Events

Name Description
AutomationDoubleClick Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double-clicked or double-tapped on the control. AnnPointerEventArgs
AutomationEnabledChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationEnabled is changed.
AutomationGotFocus Event that must trigger when the control receives the focus. LeadEventArgs
AutomationLostFocus Event that must trigger when the control loses the focus. LeadEventArgs
AutomationPointerDown Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down or tapped on the control. AnnPointerEventArgs
AutomationPointerMove Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moved or dragged on the control. AnnPointerEventArgs
AutomationPointerUp Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is up or released from the control. AnnPointerEventArgs
AutomationSizeChanged Event that must trigger whenever the size of the control changes.
AutomationTransformChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationTransform is changed.
AutomationUseDpiChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationUseDpi is changed.
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