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InstanceRow Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by InstanceRow.

Public Methods

Name Description
GetExternalStoreRows Gets the ExternalStoreRow array for this InstanceRow.
GetImageInstanceRows Returns the child ImageInstanceRow for this InstanceRow.
GetPresentationInstanceRows Returns the child PresentationInstanceRow for this InstanceRow.
GetReferencedImagesRows Returns the child ReferencedImagesRow for this InstanceRow.
IsExternalStoreGuidNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ExternalStoreGuidColumn contains a null value.
IsInstanceNumberNull Gets a value that indicates whether the InstanceNumberColumn contains a null value.
IsReceiveDateNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ReceiveDateColumn contains a null value.
IsReferencedFileNull Gets a value that indicates whether the ReferencedFileColumn contains a null value.
IsRetrieveAETitleNull Gets a value that indicates whether the RetrieveAETitleColumn contains a null value.
IsSOPClassUIDNull Gets a value that indicates whether the SOPClassUIDColumn contains a null value.
IsStationNameNull Gets a value that indicates whether the StationNameColumn contains a null value.
IsStoreAETitleNull Gets a value that indicates whether the StoreAETitleColumn contains a null value.
IsStoreTokenNull Gets a value that indicates whether the StoreTokenColumn contains a null value.
IsTransferSyntaxNull Gets a value that indicates whether the TransferSyntaxColumn contains a null value.
SetExternalStoreGuidNull Sets the value of the ExternalStoreGuidColumn to a null value.
SetInstanceNumberNull Sets the value of the InstanceNumberColumn to a null value.
SetReceiveDateNull Sets the value of the ReceiveDateColumn to a null value.
SetReferencedFileNull Sets the value of the ReferencedFileColumn to a null value.
SetRetrieveAETitleNull Sets the value of the RetrieveAETitleColumn to a null value.
SetSOPClassUIDNull Sets the value of the SOPClassUIDColumn to a null value.
SetStationNameNull Sets the value of the StationNameColumn to a null value.
SetStoreAETitleNull Sets the value of the StoreAETitleColumn to a null value.
SetStoreTokenNull Sets the value of the StoreTokenColumn to a null value.
SetTransferSyntaxNull Sets the value of the TransferSyntaxColumn to a null value.

Public Properties

Name Description
ExternalStoreGuid Gets or sets the External Store GUID
InstanceNumber Gets or sets the Instance Number.
ReceiveDate Gets or sets the Receive Date.
ReferencedFile Gets or sets the Referenced File.
RetrieveAETitle Gets or sets the Retrieve AE Title.
SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the Series Instance UID.
SeriesRow Gets or sets the parent SeriesRow for this InstanceRow
SOPClassUID Gets or sets the SOP Class UID.
SOPInstanceUID Gets or sets the SOP Instance UID.
StationName Gets or sets the Station Name.
StoreAETitle Gets or sets the Store AE Title
StoreToken Gets or sets the Store Token
TransferSyntax Gets or sets the Transfer Syntax.
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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