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DicomDataSetConverter Class


For a list of all members of this type, see DicomDataSetConverter members

Public Methods

Name Description
ConvertDicomDataSet Creates a new CompositeInstanceDataSet object from a DicomDataSet.
FillADONetDataSet Fill a CompositeInstanceDataSet object with information from a DicomDataSet
FillImagesInformation Fills the images information into the given CompositeInstanceDataSet.
GetPersonNameComponents Utility function converts a name value string containing one or more Person Name to a PersonNameComponent array.

Protected Methods

Name Description
FillInstancetData Fills the series information into the given CompositeInstanceDataSet.
FillPatientData Fills the patient information into the given CompositeInstanceDataSet.
FillSeriesData Fills the series information into the given CompositeInstanceDataSet.
FillStudiesData Fills the study information into the given CompositeInstanceDataSet.
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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