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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.MatchingParameters Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Medical Storage DataAccessLayer MatchingParameters classes.

Class Description
AnatomicRegionSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
CodeSequenceBase Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
HangingProtocolAnatomicRegionSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
HangingProtocolDefinitionSequence Provides a class that corresponds to the HangingProtocol database table.
HangingProtocolDefinitonSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
HangingProtocolEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
HangingProtocolModule Provides a class that corresponds to the HangingProtocol database table.
HangingProtocolProcedureCodeSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
HangingProtocolReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
ImageInstance Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
Instance Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
OtherPatientIds Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
OtherPatientNames Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
Patient Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
PresentationInstance Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
ProcedureCodeSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
ReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by overriding the CodeSequenceBase class.
ReferencedImagesEntity Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
ReferencedImageSequence Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
ReferencedPatientSequence Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
ReferencedSeriesSequence Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
RequestAttributeSequence Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
Series Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
Study Provides matching parameters for querying the IStorageDataAccessAgent by implementing the ICatalogEntity interface.
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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Assembly
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