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public virtual bool ExtendedMode { get; set; }
true if this AnnDrawDesigner is currently in extended mode, otherwise; false. Default value is false.
The base AnnDrawDesigner does not use extended mode. However, derived AnnDrawDesigner classes can provide extra functionality and alter the way they function depending on the value of this property. The following table shows what the standard draw designers of LEADTOOLS will do if the value of ExtendedMode is set to true:
Designer | When ExtendedMode is set to true |
AnnLineDrawDesigner | The line will be drawn at 45 degrees |
AnnPolylineDrawDesigner | The lines will be drawn at 45 degrees |
AnnProtractorDrawDesigner | The rulers will be drawn at 45 degrees |
AnnRectangleDrawDesigner | Will be forced to draw a square for the bounding box |
AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner | Will be forced to draw a square for the bounding box |