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AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner Initializes a new AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner method.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor AnnDrawDesigner Initializes a new instance of an AnnDrawDesigner object with the specified parameters. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Cancel Provides an implementation of the AnnDrawDesigner.Cancel method for the AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner object.
Public Method End Ends drawing the TargetObject. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Public Method OnPointerDown Provides an implementation of the OnPointerDown method for this AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner object.
Public Method OnPointerMove Provides an implementation of the OnPointerMove method for this AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner object.
Public Method OnPointerUp Provides an implementation of the OnPointerUp method for this AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner object.
Public Method Start Starts drawing the TargetObject. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method EndWorking Provides an implementation of the AnnDrawDesigner.EndWorking method for the AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner object.
Protected Method OnDraw Raises the Draw event. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Protected Method StartWorking Starts the drawing process. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Protected Method Working Indicates whether this AnnDrawDesigner is currently drawing. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DefaultText The default text to be used with new AnnTextPointerObject objects.
Public Property DefaultTextBounds The default size of the object bounding rectangle in annotations coordinates.
Public Property DrawPointerFirst Enables or disables whether the pointer is drawn first followed by the text or whether the text is drawn first followed by the pointer.
Public Property ExtendedMode A value indicating whether this AnnDrawDesigner is currently in extended mode. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Public Property ExtendedModeModifierKey Gets or sets a value indicating the current extended mode modifier key. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Public Property IsTargetObjectAdded Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawDesigner has automatically added TargetObject to the container. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)
Public Property OperationStatus Gets the current drawing operation status. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

Protected Properties

Name Description
Protected Property IsExtendedMode Gets a value indicating whether this AnnDrawDesigner is currently in extended mode. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event Draw Occurs when this AnnDrawDesigner object is drawing an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnDrawDesigner)

See Also

AnnTextPointerDrawDesigner Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace

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