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AnnEditDesigner Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnEditDesigner.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AnnEditDesigner Initializes a new instance of the AnnEditDesigner class with the specified parameters.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
Protected Constructor AnnDesigner Initializes a new instance of AnnDesigner with the specified parameters. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Cancel The AnnEditDesigner implementation of the AnnDesigner.Cancel method.
Public Method End Ends the editing of the TargetObject.
Public Method GetRenderer Gets the object that is used to render the TargetObject. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Method GetRotateGripper Gets the location of the rotate gripper thumb for the selected object, in annotation coordinates.
Public Method GetThumbLocations Gets the location of the thumbs of this AnnEditDesigner.
Public Method HitTestThumbs Performs hit-testing on the specified thumb control point of this edit designer.
Public Method Invalidate Manually invalidates this designer.
Public Method OnPointerDoubleClick Provides an implementation of the OnPointerDoubleClick event in this AnnEditDesigner object.
Public Method OnPointerDown Provides an implementation of the OnPointerDown event in this AnnEditDesigner object.
Public Method OnPointerMove Provides an implementation of the OnPointerMove event in this AnnEditDesigner object.
Public Method OnPointerUp Provides an implementation of the OnPointerUp event in this AnnEditDesigner object.
Public Method ResetRotateThumbs Move the rotate thumbs to the default position.
Public Method SnapObjectToGrid Snaps the specified AnnObject to the container grid based on AnnSnapToGridOptions.
Public Method SnapPointToGrid Snaps the specified point to the container grid based on SnapToGridOptions. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Method Start Starts editing the TargetObject.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method ClipPoint Clips the specified point. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected Method EndWorking Ends editing.
Protected Method GetIntersectionWithReferencePoints Gets the intersection point between the rotate center and gripper.
Protected Method GetRotateCenterPoint Gets the location of the rotate center thumb for the selected object, in annotation coordinates.
Protected Method GetRotationReferencePoints Gets the two reference points used to keep the rotation center and gripper at an even distance when the object is moved along annotation coordinates.
Protected Method Move Moves the object.
Protected Method MoveThumb Moves a thumb.
Protected Method OnEdit Raises the Edit event.
Protected Method StartWorking Begins editing.
Protected Method Working Continues the editing process.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutomationControl Gets the automation control associated with this designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property FinalTargetObject Gets the final target object for this designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property HasStarted Gets a value that indicates whether this designer has started. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property IsModified A value that indicates whether this object has been modified.
Public Property IsMouseLeftButtonDown Gets or sets a value indicating whether the left mouse button is currently down. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property MaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner thumb.
Public Property MoveThumbIndex Gets the index of the current thumb being moved.
Public Property Operation Gets a value that indicates which edit operation is currently being performed.
Public Property RestrictDesigners Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object should be restricted to a point inside the rectangle set in ClipRectangle. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property RotateModifierKey Gets or sets a value indicating the current auto-rotate modifier key.
Public Property ShowThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the thumbs.
Public Property SnapToGridOptions Gets the AnnSnapToGridOptions for this AnnDesigner. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property TargetObject Gets or sets the target object for this designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public Property ThumbsEnabled Enables hit-testing and invoking the default behavior when the user clicks and drags on the control point thumbs of this edit designer.
Public Property ThumbsHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer to use for the thumbs of this AnnEditDesigner.
Public Property UseRotateThumbs Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the rotate thumbs of this AnnEditDesigner.
Public Property WorkingBuffer Gets or sets the buffer to use for determining how far an OnPointerMove is from the previous OnPointerMove to be considered a legitimate move operation by the user and not an error due to sensitity.

Protected Properties

Name Description
Protected Property ClipRectangle Gets the cursor clipping rectangle for this designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected Property Container Gets the AnnContainer object for this AnnDesigner. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event Edit Occurs when this AnnEditDesigner is editing an AnnObject.
Public Event EditContent Occurs when this AnnEditDesigner is editing the content of an AnnObject.

See Also

AnnEditDesigner Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace

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