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AAMVAID Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AAMVAID.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor AAMVAID Initializes a new instance of the AAMVAID class with default values.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method GetBytes Generates and returns formatted AAMVA barcode data for this AAMVAID.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupIssuerIdentificationNumber Looks up an IIN for a given jurisdiction.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupJurisdiction Looks up an AAMVA Jurisdiction given an Issuer Identification Number.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffix Looks up an AAMVANameSuffix with a given suffix code.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffixCodeArabic Looks up a name suffix code (Arabic numeral style) given an AAMVANameSuffix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupNameSuffixCodeRoman Looks up a name suffix code (Roman numeral style) given an AAMVANameSuffix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRaceEthnicity Looks up an AAMVARaceEthnicity given a race/ethnicity code.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRaceEthnicityCode Looks up a race/ethnicity code given an AAMVARaceEthnicity.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupRegion Looks up an AAMVARegion (country) given an AAMVAJurisdiction (state/territory).
Public Method static  | Shared in VB LookupStateAbbreviation Looks up a state/territory abbreviation given an AAMVAJurisdiction.
Public Method ToString Formatted AAMVA barcode data that can be written to a PDF417 barcode, encoded as a UTF-8 string.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by this AAMVAID.
Protected Method Finalize This method overrides System.Object.Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AddressCity Gets the cardholder's address city.
Public Property AddressPostalCode Gets the cardholder's address postal code.
Public Property AddressRegion Gets the cardholder's address region.
Public Property AddressStateAbbreviation Gets the cardholder's address state abbreviation.
Public Property AddressStreet1 Gets the cardholder's address street line 1.
Public Property AddressStreet2 Gets the cardholder's address street line 2.
Public Property DateOfBirth Gets the cardholder's date of birth.
Public Property ExpirationAvailable Determines whether it is possible to determine the expiration date of the AAMVAID, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property ExpirationDate Gets the expiration date.
Public Property Expired Determines whether the AAMVAID is expired, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property EyeColor Gets the cardholder's eye color.
Public Property FirstName Gets the cardholder's first name.
Public Property HairColor Gets the cardholder's hair color.
Public Property IsDisposed Checks whether an AAMVAID is disposed.
Public Property IssueDate Gets the issue date.
Public Property IssuerIdentificationNumber Gets the issuer identification number (IIN) of the issuing authority associated to the current AAMVAID.
Public Property Jurisdiction Gets the issuing jurisdiction of the current AAMVAID.
Public Property JurisdictionVersion Gets the jurisdiction version of the current AAMVAID.
Public Property LastName Gets the cardholder's last name.
Public Property MiddleName Gets the cardholder's middle name.
Public Property Number Gets the ID/driver's license number.
Public Property NumberOfEntries Gets the number of subfiles of the current AAMVAID.
Public Property Over18 Determines whether the cardholder is over 18 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Over18Available Determines whether it is possible to determine the cardholder is over 18 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Over19 Determines whether the cardholder is over 19 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Over19Available Determines whether it is possible to determine the cardholder is over 19 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Over21 Determines whether the cardholder is over 21 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Over21Available Determines whether it is possible to determine the cardholder is over 21 years old, based on the encoded data elements.
Public Property Sex Gets the cardholder's sex.
Public Property Subfiles Gets an array of subfiles (AAMVASubfiles) of the current AAMVAID.
Public Property Version Gets the version of the encoded data used to create the current AAMVAID.

See Also


Leadtools.Barcode Namespace

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