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public int XModule { get; set; }
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger xModule;
public int getXModule()
public void setXModule(int value)
XModule # get and set (PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions)
An Int32 that indicates the size of the smallest module when writing a POSTNET/PLANET barcode in thousandths of an inch. Must be a value greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 30 (0.03 of an inch).
Only used if the value of UseXModule is set to true, otherwise, the module size is calculated from the data size BarcodeData.Bounds).
If the value is too small, a minimum of 2 pixels will be used regardless of the value set in XModule.
For more information, refer to Writing Barcodes - Bounds and XModule.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
public void PostNetPlanetBarcode_Example()
string imageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "MyPostNetPlanetBarcodes.tif");
BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();
// Create the image to write the barcodes to
int resolution = 300;
using (RasterImage image = RasterImage.Create((int)(8.5 * resolution), (int)(11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution, RasterColor.FromKnownColor(RasterKnownColor.White)))
// Write a POSTNET and a PLANET barcodes
WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.PostNet, "123456789", new LeadRect(10, 100, 400, 200));
WriteBarcode(engine.Writer, image, BarcodeSymbology.Planet, "12345678901", new LeadRect(10, 500, 400, 200));
// Save the image
using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
codecs.Save(image, imageFileName, RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4, 1);
// Now read the barcodes again
using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(imageFileName))
// Read the POSTNET barcode
ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.PostNet);
// Read the PLANET barcode
ReadBarcodes(engine.Reader, image, BarcodeSymbology.Planet);
private void WriteBarcode(BarcodeWriter writer, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology, string value, LeadRect bounds)
// Create the barcode data
BarcodeData barcode = new BarcodeData(symbology, value);
barcode.Bounds = bounds;
// Set the write options
PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions options = new PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions();
options.UseXModule = false;
options.XModule = 30;
// Write it
Console.WriteLine("Writing {0} barcode with data: {1}", symbology, value);
writer.WriteBarcode(image, barcode, options);
private void ReadBarcodes(BarcodeReader reader, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology)
// Setup read options
PostNetPlanetBarcodeReadOptions options = new PostNetPlanetBarcodeReadOptions();
options.SearchDirection = BarcodeSearchDirection.Horizontal;
options.Granularity = 9;
options.WhiteLinesNumber = 3;
options.ReturnCheckDigit = BarcodeReturnCheckDigit.Default;
Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} barcodes", symbology);
BarcodeData barcode = reader.ReadBarcode(image, LeadRect.Empty, symbology, options);
if (barcode != null)
Console.WriteLine(" At {0}, data: {1}", barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value);
Console.WriteLine(" Not found");
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import leadtools.*;
import leadtools.barcode.*;
import leadtools.codecs.*;
public void postNetPlanetBarcodeExample() {
final String LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR = "C:\\LEADTOOLS23\\Resources\\Images";
String imageFileName = combine(LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR, "PostNetPlanetBarcodes.tif");
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();
// Create the image to write the barcodes to
int resolution = 300;
RasterImage image = RasterImage.create((int) (8.5 * resolution), (int) (11.0 * resolution), 1, resolution,
// Write a POSTNET and a PLANET barcodes
writeBarcode(engine.getWriter(), image, BarcodeSymbology.POST_NET, "123456789", new LeadRect(10, 100, 400, 200));
writeBarcode(engine.getWriter(), image, BarcodeSymbology.PLANET, "12345678901", new LeadRect(10, 500, 400, 200));
// Save the image, imageFileName, RasterImageFormat.CCITT_GROUP4, 1);
// Now read the barcodes again
image = codecs.load(imageFileName);
// Read the POSTNET barcode
readBarcodes(engine.getReader(), image, BarcodeSymbology.POST_NET);
// Read the PLANET barcode
readBarcodes(engine.getReader(), image, BarcodeSymbology.PLANET);
// Clean up
assertTrue("file unsuccessfully saved to " + imageFileName, (new File(imageFileName)).exists());
System.out.printf("File saved successfully to %s%n", imageFileName);
// Create the barcode data
private void writeBarcode(BarcodeWriter writer, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology, String value, LeadRect bounds) {
BarcodeData barcode = new BarcodeData(symbology, value);
// Set the write options
PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions options = new PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions();
// Write it
System.out.printf("Writing %1s barcode with data: %2s%n", symbology, value);
writer.writeBarcode(image, barcode, options);
// Setup read options
private void readBarcodes(BarcodeReader reader, RasterImage image, BarcodeSymbology symbology) {
PostNetPlanetBarcodeReadOptions options = new PostNetPlanetBarcodeReadOptions();
System.out.printf("Reading %1s barcodes%n", symbology);
BarcodeData barcode = reader.readBarcode(image, LeadRect.getEmpty(), symbology, options);
if (barcode != null)
System.out.printf(" At %1s, data: %2s%n", barcode.getBounds(), barcode.getValue());
System.out.println(" Not found");
public static String combine(String path1, String path2) {
File file = new File(path1, path2);
return file.getPath();
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