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public BarcodeData Data { get; }
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) LTBarcodeData *data
public BarcodeData getData()
property BarcodeData^ Data {
BarcodeData^ get();
Data # get (BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs)
A BarcodeData object that contains the data of the barcode found.
Only valid if Operation is BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PostRead and no error occurred. Otherwise, it will be null (Nothing in VB).
Note that this property may consist of an object of a derived class that may contain extra information for the symbology. Refer to BarcodeData for more information.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Barcode;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
public void BarcodeReader_ReadSymbologyExample()
string imageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Barcode1.tif");
// Create a Barcode engine
BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();
// Get the Barcode reader instance
BarcodeReader reader = engine.Reader;
// Load the image
using (RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs())
using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1))
// Subscribe to the ReadSymbology event
reader.ReadSymbology += new EventHandler<BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs>(reader_ReadSymbology);
// Read all barcodes in the image
reader.ReadBarcodes(image, LeadRect.Empty, 0, null);
reader.ReadSymbology -= new EventHandler<BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs>(reader_ReadSymbology);
private void reader_ReadSymbology(object sender, BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs e)
if (e.Operation == BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PreRead)
// Before reading, show the symbologies the engine is going to try to read
Console.WriteLine("Trying to read the following symbologies:");
BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies = e.GetSymbologies();
for (int i = 0; i < symbologies.Length; i++)
if (i != (symbologies.Length - 1))
Console.Write(", ");
else if (e.Operation == BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PostRead)
if (e.Error == null)
// No errors
BarcodeData barcode = e.Data;
if (barcode != null)
// Found a barcode, show it
Console.WriteLine(" {0} at {1} with data {2}", barcode.Symbology, barcode.Bounds, barcode.Value);
Console.WriteLine(" No barcodes found");
// Show the error
Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
// Tell the reader top stop reading barcodes
e.Status = BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus.Abort;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import leadtools.*;
import leadtools.barcode.*;
import leadtools.codecs.*;
import leadtools.imageprocessing.*;
import leadtools.internal.ManualResetEvent;
public void barcodeReaderReadSymbologyExample() {
final String LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR = "C:\\LEADTOOLS23\\Resources\\Images";
String imageFileName = combine(LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR, "barcode1.tif");
// Create a Barcode engine
BarcodeEngine engine = new BarcodeEngine();
// Get the Barcode reader instance
BarcodeReader reader = engine.getReader();
// Load the image
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
RasterImage image = codecs.load(imageFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BGR_OR_GRAY, 1, 1);, "Result.jpg", RasterImageFormat.JPEG, 0);
// Subscribe to the ReadSymbology event
// Read all barcodes in the image
reader.readBarcodes(image, LeadRect.getEmpty(), 0, null);
assertTrue("Image unsuccessfully saved", (new File("Result.jpg")).exists());
System.out.printf("Image loaded and saved to %s%n", new File("Result.jpg"));
BarcodeReadSymbologyListener readerReadSymbology = new BarcodeReadSymbologyListener() {
public void onReadSymbologyEvent(BarcodeReadSymbologyEvent arg0) {
if (arg0.getOperation() == BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.PRE_READ) {
// Before reading, show the symbologies the engine is going to try to read
System.out.println("Trying to read the following symbologies:");
BarcodeSymbology[] symbologies = arg0.getSymbologies();
for (int i = 0; i < symbologies.length; i++) {
if (i != (symbologies.length - 1)) {
System.out.print(", ");
} else {
System.out.println(" ");
else if (arg0.getOperation() == BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation.POST_READ) {
if (arg0.getError() == null) {
// No errors
BarcodeData barcode = arg0.getData();
if (barcode != null) {
// Found a barcode, show it
System.out.printf(" %1s at %2s with data %3s%n", barcode.getSymbology(), barcode.getBounds(),
} else {
System.out.println(" No barcodes found");
} else {
// Show the error
System.out.printf("Error: %1s%n", arg0.getError().getMessage());
// Tell the reader top stop reading barcodes
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