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Leadtools.Ocr Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Ocr enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration ImageType Specifies the image type for OCR recognition.
Enumeration OcrAutoPreprocessPageCommand Performs page pre-processing commands
Enumeration OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobErrorMode Defines values for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobErrorMode property.
Enumeration OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobOperation IOcrAutoRecognizeManager job operations.
Enumeration OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobStatus Job status.
Enumeration OcrBackgroundFillStyle Indicates the background fill style of a cell border.
Enumeration OcrCellBorder Indicates the cell border location
Enumeration OcrCellBorderLineStyle Indicates the line style of a cell border.
Enumeration OcrCharacterFontStyle Indicates the font attributes for recognized characters.
Enumeration OcrCharacterPosition Recognition character data position information.
Enumeration OcrCreateDocumentOptions Options to use when creating a document using IOcrDocumentManager.
Enumeration OcrDocumentFontType Font types used when saving the final document.
Enumeration OcrEngineType Specifies available OCR engine types.
Enumeration OcrImageSharingMode Options used with IOcrEngine.CreatePage to determine the ownership of the source raster image.
Enumeration OcrModuleType Specifies the type of OCR module.
Enumeration OcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod The OMR frame detection mode.
Enumeration OcrOmrSensitivity The OMR sensitivity mode.
Enumeration OcrOmrZoneState The zone OMR recognition state.
Enumeration OcrPageSortedZonesIndexMapFlags Indicates the flags used for sorting zones in GetSortedZonesIndexMap.
Enumeration OcrPageType The type of the page's RasterImage to get.
Enumeration OcrProgressOperation OCR progress callback operation identification.
Enumeration OcrProgressStatus Status control of the OcrProgressCallback.
Enumeration OcrRuntimeFileMode Operation to be performed on an OCR runtime file.
Enumeration OcrSettingValueType Defines a setting type.
Enumeration OcrSpellCheckEngine OCR Spell Checker Type
Enumeration OcrSupportLockedExceptionType The type of support (feature) needing to be unlocked that caused the error.
Enumeration OcrTextDirection Determines the direction of text in a zone.
Enumeration OcrTextStyle The style of a text zone.
Enumeration OcrXmlEncoding Encoding to use when saving XML data.
Enumeration OcrXmlOutputOptions Controls the format of the XML data obtained from IOcrDocument.SaveXml.
Enumeration OcrZoneCharacterFilters Character set filter.
Enumeration OcrZoneType Zone types.
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Leadtools.Ocr Assembly
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