public enum OcrOmrSensitivity
Value | Member | Description |
0 | Highest | Use the highest check mark recognition sensitivity. This may also be the slowest. |
1 | High | Use high check mark recognition sensitivity. |
2 | Low | Use low check mark recognition sensitivity. May be faster than High. |
3 | Lowest | Use the lowest check mark recognition sensitivity. This may also be the fastest. |
OMR stands for Optical Mark Recognition. For more information refer to Using OMR in LEADTOOLS .NET OCR.
You can set the LEADTOOLS OCR engine OMR recognition sensitivity to be as high or low as desired. High sensitivity results in higher confidence in the recognized mark, but could prove to be slower.
To change the sensitivity of OMR recognition, use Sensitivity.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Ocr;
using Leadtools.Forms.Common;
using Leadtools.Document.Writer;
using Leadtools.WinForms;
public void OcrOmrExample()
// Create an instance of the engine
using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD))
// Start the engine using default parameters
ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, LEAD_VARS.OcrLEADRuntimeDir);
// We will use Mixed.tif shipped with LEADTOOLS in the Images folder. This image has 3 OMR check marks
string tifFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Mixed.tif");
// Create an OCR document
using (IOcrDocument ocrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument())
// Add a page to the document
IOcrPage ocrPage = ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(tifFileName, null);
// Add the OMR zones. We calculated the 3 OMR zone boundaries for this image perviously
LeadRect[] omrBounds =
new LeadRect(484, 98, 84, 78),
new LeadRect(494, 184, 70, 54),
new LeadRect(498, 244, 76, 76)
foreach (LeadRect omrBound in omrBounds)
// Create a new OMR zone and add it to the page
OcrZone zone = new OcrZone();
zone.ZoneType = OcrZoneType.Omr;
zone.Bounds = omrBound;
// Show how many zones we have and they properties
Console.WriteLine("Page has {0} zones:", ocrPage.Zones.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < ocrPage.Zones.Count; i++)
OcrZone zone = ocrPage.Zones[i];
Console.WriteLine("{0}: Type: {1}", i + 1, zone.ZoneType);
// Change the OMR options (Auto detection of frames with highest sensitivity)
IOcrOmrOptions omrOptions = ocrEngine.ZoneManager.OmrOptions;
omrOptions.FrameDetectionMethod = OcrOmrFrameDetectionMethod.Auto;
omrOptions.Sensitivity = OcrOmrSensitivity.Highest;
// Get the character we are using in the engine to represent the filled/unfilled states
char filledCode = omrOptions.GetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Filled);
char unfilledCode = omrOptions.GetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled);
// Recognize the page
IOcrPageCharacters pageCharacters = ocrPage.GetRecognizedCharacters();
foreach (IOcrZoneCharacters zoneCharacters in pageCharacters)
// We must have one character (the state for each OMR zone)
Debug.Assert(zoneCharacters.Count == 1);
OcrCharacter character = zoneCharacters[0];
Debug.Assert(character.Code == filledCode || character.Code == unfilledCode);
Console.WriteLine("{0}: State: {1}, Confidence: {2}", zoneCharacters.ZoneIndex, character.Code == filledCode ? "Filled" : "Unfilled", character.Confidence);
// Now save the result as PDF using the default characters representation for OMR states (0 for unfilled, 1 for filled)
string pdfFileName1 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results1.pdf");
Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName1);
ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName1, DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);
// Change the character representation for the OMR states to Y for unfilled, and X for filled
omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Unfilled, 'Y');
omrOptions.SetStateRecognitionCharacter(OcrOmrZoneState.Filled, 'X');
string pdfFileName2 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Omr_Results2.pdf");
Console.WriteLine("Saving to {0}...", pdfFileName2);
ocrDocument.Save(pdfFileName2, DocumentFormat.Pdf, null);
// Shutdown the engine
// Note: calling Dispose will also automatically shutdown the engine if it has been started
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
public const string OcrLEADRuntimeDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Bin\Common\OcrLEADRuntime";