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IOcrAutoRecognizeManager Interface Members


The following tables list the members exposed by IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AbortAllJobs Aborts all running and pending jobs.
Public Method CreateJob Creates a new job.
Public Method Run Converts an image file on disk to a document file in the specified document format with optional multiple single zone files.
Public Method RunJob Runs a job
Public Method RunJobAsync Runs a job asynchronously

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property EnableTrace Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this IOcrAutoRecognizeManager should output debug messages to the standard .NET trace listeners.
Public Property IsMultiThreadedSupported Gets a value that indicates whether multi-threading is supported in this IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.
Public Property JobErrorMode Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to abort or try to continue running jobs when an error occur.
Public Property MaximumPagesBeforeLtd Gets or sets a value that indicate the maximum number of pages to process before using LTD as a temporary format.
Public Property MaximumThreadsPerJob Gets or sets a value that indicates the maximum number of threads to use when recognizing a document.
Public Property PreprocessPageCommands Gets a list of the auto-preprocess commands to perform on each document page prior to recognition.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event JobCompleted Occurs when a job is completed or aborted.
Public Event JobOperation Occurs while a job is running.
Public Event JobProgress Occurs when a job is being run to provide progress status and ability to abort.
Public Event JobStarted Occurs when a job is about to start.

See Also

IOcrAutoRecognizeManager Interface

Leadtools.Ocr Namespace

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