error Property


Gets the error that has occurred during loading or saving annotation objects.

Object.defineProperty(AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs.prototype, 'error', 
	get: function() 
error: Error; // read-only 

Property Value

The error that has occurred during loading or saving annotation objects.


The AnnDeserializeOptions.DeserializeObjectError event will fire if an error occurs during loading of annotation objects. The error itself will be set in the Error property. And you will get a chance to ignore this error if needed.

This value is not used during save (with AnnSerializeOptions).

import { EngineHelper } from "../utilities/EngineHelper"; 
export class AnnEngine_AnnDeserializeOptionsExample { 
   constructor() { 
      const helper = new EngineHelper();; 
   run = () => { 
      // Create a new annotation container, 8.5 by 11 inches 
      let container: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer(); 
      // Size must be in annotation units (1/720 of an inch) 
      container.size = lt.LeadSizeD.create(8.5 * 720, 11 * 720); 
      const showContainer = (message, container) => { 
         let str: string = message + "\nContainer size: "; 
         // Add the size 
         const inch: number = 720; 
         const width: number = container.size.width / inch; 
         const height: number = container.size.height / inch; 
         str += width + " by " + height + " inches" + "\n"; 
         // Add the objects 
         str += "Contains " + container.children.count + " objects(s)\n"; 
         for (let i = 0; i < container.children.count; i++) { 
            const annObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject = container.children.item(i); 
            str += "Object: " + annObj.friendlyName + " at "; 
            for (let j = 0; j < annObj.points.count; j++) { 
               const pt: lt.LeadPointD = annObj.points.item(j); 
               const x: number = pt.x / inch; 
               const y: number = pt.y / inch; 
               str += "(" + x + ", " + y + ") "; 
            str += "\n"; 
      const inch: number = 720.0; 
      // Add a red line object, from 1in 1in to 2in 2in 
      const lineObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject(); 
      lineObj.points.add(lt.LeadPointD.create(1 * inch, 1 * inch)); 
      lineObj.points.add(lt.LeadPointD.create(2 * inch, 2 * inch)); 
      lineObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("red"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)); 
      // Add a blue on yellow rectangle from 3in 3in to 4in 4in 
      const rectObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject(); 
      rectObj.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(3 * inch, 3 * inch, 1 * inch, 1 * inch); 
      rectObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("blue"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)); 
      rectObj.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("yellow"); 
      // Show the container 
      showContainer("Before save", container); 
      // Create the codecs object to save and load annotations 
      const codecs: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnCodecs = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnCodecs(); 
      // Save the container 
      const xmlData: string =, lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnFormat.annotations, null, 1); 
      // delete the container 
      container = null; 
      // Create a new instance of AnnDeserializeOptions and Hook to the DeserializeObject and DeserializeObjectError events 
      const deserializeOptions: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnDeserializeOptions = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnDeserializeOptions(); 
      deserializeOptions.add_deserializeObject((sender, e) => { 
         // e is of type AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs 
         alert("loading object of type: " + e.typeName); 
      deserializeOptions.add_deserializeObjectError((sender, e) => { 
         // e is of type AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs 
      // Set it as our deserialize options 
      codecs.deserializeOptions = deserializeOptions; 
      // Load the container we just saved 
      container = codecs.load(xmlData, 1); 
      // Show it 
      showContainer("After load", container); 
import { EngineHelper } from "../utilities/EngineHelper"; 
export class AnnEngine_AnnDeserializeOptionsExample { 
   constructor() { 
      const helper = new EngineHelper();; 
   run = () => { 
      // Create a new annotation container, 8.5 by 11 inches 
      let container = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer(); 
      // Size must be in annotation units (1/720 of an inch) 
      container.size = lt.LeadSizeD.create(8.5 * 720, 11 * 720); 
      const showContainer = (message, container) => { 
         let str = message + "\nContainer size: "; 
         // Add the size 
         const inch = 720; 
         const width = container.size.width / inch; 
         const height = container.size.height / inch; 
         str += width + " by " + height + " inches" + "\n"; 
         // Add the objects 
         str += "Contains " + container.children.count + " objects(s)\n"; 
         for (let i = 0; i < container.children.count; i++) { 
            const annObj = container.children.item(i); 
            str += "Object: " + annObj.friendlyName + " at "; 
            for (let j = 0; j < annObj.points.count; j++) { 
               const pt = annObj.points.item(j); 
               const x = pt.x / inch; 
               const y = pt.y / inch; 
               str += "(" + x + ", " + y + ") "; 
            str += "\n"; 
      const inch = 720.0; 
      // Add a red line object, from 1in 1in to 2in 2in 
      const lineObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject(); 
      lineObj.points.add(lt.LeadPointD.create(1 * inch, 1 * inch)); 
      lineObj.points.add(lt.LeadPointD.create(2 * inch, 2 * inch)); 
      lineObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("red"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)); 
      // Add a blue on yellow rectangle from 3in 3in to 4in 4in 
      const rectObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject(); 
      rectObj.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(3 * inch, 3 * inch, 1 * inch, 1 * inch); 
      rectObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("blue"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(1)); 
      rectObj.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("yellow"); 
      // Show the container 
      showContainer("Before save", container); 
      // Create the codecs object to save and load annotations 
      const codecs = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnCodecs(); 
      // Save the container 
      const xmlData =, lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnFormat.annotations, null, 1); 
      // delete the container 
      container = null; 
      // Create a new instance of AnnDeserializeOptions and Hook to the DeserializeObject and DeserializeObjectError events 
      const deserializeOptions = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnDeserializeOptions(); 
      deserializeOptions.add_deserializeObject((sender, e) => { 
         // e is of type AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs 
         alert("loading object of type: " + e.typeName); 
      deserializeOptions.add_deserializeObjectError((sender, e) => { 
         // e is of type AnnSerializeObjectEventArgs 
      // Set it as our deserialize options 
      codecs.deserializeOptions = deserializeOptions; 
      // Load the container we just saved 
      container = codecs.load(xmlData, 1); 
      // Show it 
      showContainer("After load", container); 
<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
<title>AnnEngine Example | AnnDeserializeOptions</title> 
   <script src="" 
      integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Controls.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.Javascript.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.BatesStamp.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Demos.js"></script> 
   <script src="../LT/Leadtools.Demos.Annotations.js"></script> 
      #imageViewerDiv { 
         border: 1px solid #000000; 
         width: 800px; 
         height: 800px; 
         background-color: #7F7F7F; 
   <!-- All demo files are bundled and appended to the window --> 
   <script src="../../bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
   <p>Either Pan/Zoom or Annotations mode. In annotations mode, draw new objects or edit them.</p> 
      <select id="currentObjectIdSelect"></select> 
      <input type="button" id="exampleButton" value="Example" /> 
      <label id="exampleLabel" /> 
   <div id="imageViewerDiv" /> 
   window.onload = () => new window.examples.AnnEngine.AnnDeserializeOptions(); 

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