DocumentViewerView Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentViewerView.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method dispose Destroys this object and removes it from the page.
Public Method invalidate Re-renders the specified area in the view.
Public Method runLinkTarget Invoke the specified document link target page fit and zoom properties.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property continuousKeyboardScroll Enables support for continuous page scrolling using the keyboard.
Public Property documentViewer Owner document viewer.
Public Property imageViewer Image viewer control.
Public Property itemType Actual mode bring used to view the image data of the pages.
Public Property lazyLoad Indicates when images will be loaded.
Public Property preferredItemType The preferred mode to use when viewing the image data of the pages.
Public Property useSvgBackImage Indicates whether to try getting the image elements in an SVG document separately.
Public Property workerCount Indicates the number of view workers.
Public Property zoomRatio Ratio to use when zooming the view in or out.

See Also

DocumentViewerView Class

Leadtools.Document.Viewer Namespace

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Leadtools.Document.Viewer Assembly
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