Print Application Properties Example for C++

HRESULT PrintApplicationProperties(IltmsServer* server) 
   HRESULT hr; 
   long count; 
   CComPtr<IltmsApplicationProperties> props; 
   // print the Application Properties to stdout 
   _tprintf(_T("--- Application Properties ---\n\n")); 
   hr = server->GetApplicationProperties(&props); 
      goto error; 
   hr = props->get_Count(&count); 
      goto error; 
   for(long i = 0; i < count; i++) 
      CComBSTR key; 
      CComBSTR value; 
      hr = props->Item(i, &key, &value); 
         goto error; 
      _tprintf(_T("Application Property[%ld]: %s = \"%s\"\n"), i, (LPCTSTR) CString(key), (LPCTSTR) CString(value)); 
   return hr; 
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