Simple Server Execution Example for C++

HRESULT SimpleServerExecution(void) 
   CComPtr<IltmsServer> server; 
   HRESULT hr; 
   ltmsState state; 
   // create an instance of the server object 
   hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(ltmsServer), NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IltmsServer), (void**) &server); 
      goto error; 
   // load the configuration file located in the config subfolder under the executable folder 
   // or comment this section out to run with the server's default settings 
   hr = server->ImportConfigFile(CComBSTR(L"%ltmsConfigFolder%\\ltmsServer.xml")); 
      goto error; 
   // edit network properties, application properties, MIME types, or IP filters here 
   // start the server 
   hr = server->Start(); 
      goto error; 
   // for demonstration purposes, confirm the running state 
   hr = server->get_State(&state); 
      goto error; 
   if(state == ltmsState_Started) 
      // display a message that the server is running and wait for a key 
      _tprintf(_T("The server has started. Hit any key to stop.\n")); 
   // stop the server 
   hr = server->Stop(); 
      goto error; 
   // save any changes to the configuration file before exiting 
   hr = server->ExportConfigFile(CComBSTR(L"%ltmsConfigFolder%\\ltmsServer.xml")); 
      goto error; 
   return hr; 
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